Era: 2000’s
31/8/24: Paraquat. Scientists work to unravel silent pandemic affecting farmers
8/11/23: An Impossible Dream. Sustainable Pesticide Management in Great Barrier Reef Catchments
2003: Middle River (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Cygnet River Estuary Sediment (South Australia). Pesticides: Aldrin, DDD, DDE, Dieldrin
2003: Hill River Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Broughton River Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Finniss River Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
2003: Lake Albert Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Coorong Sediment (South Australia). Pesticides: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Delta HCH
2003: Drain C Sediment Coonawarra (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Cuppa Cup Swamp Sediment, Tatiara Creek (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Patawalonga Weir Sediment (South Australia). Pesticides: Aldrin, Chlordane, DDD, DDE, Total DDT, Chlorpyrifos
2003: Virginia Drainage Lines Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: Simazine
2003/09: Cox Creek Sediment (South Australia). Pesticides: Chlordane, DDE, Dieldrin, Simazine, DDD, DDT
2003: Lenswood Creek Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: Barker Inlet Wetland Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: Simazine
2003: Greenfields Wetland Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: River Torrens, Holbrooks Weir Sediment (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2003: River Torrens Outfall Sediment (South Australia). Pesticides: DDE, Simazine
2003: River Torrens Lake Weir (South Australia). Pesticide: DDE
2000-2003 Merah North Farm Soil (New South Wales). Pesticides: Endrin, DDE, Endosulfan, Endosulfan Sulphate
2000-2003 Wee Waa Farm (New South Wales). Pesticides: Endrin, DDT, DDE, DDD, Endosulfan, Endosulfan Sulfate
2000-03: Australian Cotton Research Institute Soils (NSW). Pesticides: Endrin, DDT, DDE, DDD, Endosulfan, Endosulfan Sulfate
2002: Namoi Valley (NSW) DDE residues remaining in Soil
2009/10: Broome (Western Australia) Pesticide: ?
1995-2021: Innisfail Water Supply (Queensland). Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Fenthion Methyl, Fenthion, Diuron, Simazine, Imidacloprid
2009/24: Ayr/Brandon Drinking Water (Queensland): Atrazine, Metolachlor, DEET, Desethyl Atrazine, Imidacloprid
2008-2012: Wright Reservoir (Riddells Creek Water Supply). Pesticides: 2,4-D, Trans Chlordane
2007 – 2010: Glenfern Park Service Basin (Romsey Water Supply). Pesticide: 2,4-D
2007 February: Garden Hut Reservoir (Lancefield Water Supply). Pesticide: 2,4-D
2007 -2010: Djerriwarrah Reservoir (Melton Water Supply). Pesticide: 2,4-D
2007 February: Merrimu Reservoir (Bacchus Marsh Water Supply). Pesticide: 2,4-D
2003 February: Letter to Age Vietnam Vets drinking 2,4,5-T. Pesticides: 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T
2006 April/May: Warmies Melbourne. Pesticides: p,p,DDE, p,p,DDD
2006 April/May: Maribyrnong River Whitehall Impacts of Fauna. Pesticides:
2006 April/May: Pesticides in Fish etc Yarra River Herring Island. Pesticides: Multiple
2006 April/May: Pesticides in Fish etc Maribyrnong River (Armourments). Pesticides: Dieldrin, p,p,DDD, p,p,DDE, p,p,DDT, Endrin
2002 November: Central Gippsland Drain. Pesticide: DEET
2002 November: Newry Creek. Pesticide: DEET
2002 November: Snowy River, near Orbost. Pesticide: DEET
2009-2016: Moe. Pesticides: Dinoseb, Triclopyr, MCPA, 2,4-D, Mecoprop
2009: Mildura (Lake Hawthorn etc). Pesticides: Methidathion, Chlorothalonil, Simazine, Chlorpyrifos
2008 February: (Toowong) Soils Tests Fail to Solve ABC Cancer Mystery. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2016 September: Study Confirms Widespread Pesticide Pollution of Australian Waterways
2012: 50 bird killed near Mudgee NSW. Pesticide: Mevinphos
2007: Paddock spraying near Peterborough (Vic)
2008 February 15: High altitude spraying near Meander Dam (Tasmania)
2008: Western Creek
2009 January: Weegena Tasmania Spray Drift
2008 December: Meander Tasmania Spraying Drainage Ditch
2009 March: Ringarooma River near Derby Aerial Spraying
2008 February: Meander Tasmania Aerial Spraying
2008 February: Western Creek Tasmania Aerial Spraying
2008: Crowdens Road, Caveside Tasmania. Aerial Spraying Plantations
2008 February 25: Stockers Plains Meander Tasmania
2001 March: Shelley Plantations (Vic) Disgarded Pesticides left on side of road
2001 March: Koetong Spray back pack left on logging track
2007 January: Pine Spraying Gellibrand River (Vic)
2007 March: Riversdale Station Melbourne
2007 April: Roadside spraying W-Tree (Vic)
2009 Matthews Creek spraying nearby
2008: Farm wetland near Tatura
2008: Woori Yallock Creek Strawberry Spraying
2001: Strzelecki Ranges Helicopter Spraying.
2009/10 + 2018/19 Goulburn Weir: Pesticide: Glyphosate, Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2005 November: Main Southern Channel. Tinambra West. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005 November: Main Southern Channel Gippsland. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005 November: Main Southern Channel Heyfield. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Main Northern Channel. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Main Northern Channel Gippsland. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Main Northern Channel Gippsland. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005 November: Northern Channel Gippsland. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005 January: Northern Channel Gippsland. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Main Northern Channel Gippsland. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Newry North Channel. Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Carters Creek (Vic). Pesticide: Acrolein
2005 January: Newry Creek (Vic). Pesticide: Acrolein
2005: Kentucky Creek (Vic). Pesticide: Acrolein
2005/6 Baratta/Sheep Station Creek Estuary. Pesticides: Atrazine, Desethylatrazine, Ametryn, Diuron
2005/6: Plantation Creek Estuary (Qld). Pesticide: Diuron
2008: Noosa Heads Spray Drift.
2001: Dalby (groundwater). Pesticides: Multiple
1999-2000: Dirranbandi Weir (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
1999-2000: St.George Weir (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
1999-2000: Surat Weir (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
1999-2000: Dalby Weir (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
1999-2000: Cecil Plains (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
1999-2000: Millmerran Weir (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
1996 March – 2006?: Burwood Beach WWTW (NSW). Pesticides: Multiple
2002-2007: Coxs Creek Boggabri. Pesticide: Metolachlor
2002-2007: Namoi River. Pesticides: Endosulfan
2004 May: Narrabri Creek, Narrabri (NSW). Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
2002-2007: Bugilbone (NSW). Pesticides: Profenofos
2002-2007: Mooki River at Ruvigne (NSW). Pesticides: Multiple
2008 December. Pinkenba (Qld): Dioxin Contamination. Pesticides: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D
2006/7 Lower Burdekin, Mackay-Whitsunday, Tully Regions. Pesticides: Multiple
2003 December: Helicopter Crash Pyengana (Tas). Pesticide: Alpha-Cypermethrin
2005-8: Mackay-Whitsunday Region. Pesticide: Diuron
2005 October – 2012 November: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area WS. Pesticides: Multiple
2005 October – 2012 November: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area MIRMCN. Pesticides: Multiple
2005 October – 2012 December: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area MDJWE. Pesticides: Multiple
2006 July – 2012 December: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area LMC. Pesticides: Multiple
2009 November – 2012 November: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area FS. Pesticides: Multiple
2009 June – 2013 Feb: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area BYD. Pesticides: Multiple
2005 January – 2008 December: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (BBOW). Pesticides: Atrazine, Diuron, Simazine, Malathion, Thiobencarb, Molinate
1995 December – 2005 November: Coleambally Outfall Drain at Darlot (Bundy). Pesticides: Multiple
1997 January – 2013 November: Coleambally Main Canal at Sturt Highway. Pesticides: Multiple
1994 February – 2013 September: South Drain at Yanco Creek (NSW). Pesticides: Multiple
1995 Feb – 2016 May: Coleambally Outfall Drain (NSW). Pesticides: Multiple
2014/15: Murrumbidgee Catchment: Pesticides: Diuron, Metolachlor
1998/2001: Tuppal Creek NSW. Pesticides: Multiple
2007: Haughton River/Barratta Creek (Qld). Pesticide: Diuron
2005 January. Proserpine River (Qld). Pesticide: Diuron
2005 December: Burnett River Catchment. Pesticide: Diuron
2009 Dec – 2010 Jan: Noosa Heads. Pesticide: Diuron + Carbendazim
2009 Jul-Aug: Lake Cooroibah (Qld). Pesticide: Endosulfan
2009 January: Cooloothin Creek “Cancer Cluster”. Pesticide: Carbendazim
2009 May: Cooloothin Creek (Qld). Pesticides: Carbendazim, Atrazine, Metolachlor
2004 July. Georges Bay (Tas). Oysters and people impacted. Pesticide: Atrazine
2003: McCreadys Creek Mackay Qld. Pesticides: Diuron, Ametryn, Hexazinone, Tebuthiuron, Simazine
1998-2009: Johnstone River Estuary Qld. Pesticides: DDE, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Chlorpyrifos, Lindane, DDT
2011: Insecticides and Fungicides Johnstone River. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Protiophos, Tebuconazole
2006: Johnstone River Qld (offshore). Pesticides: Diuron, Atrazine, Hexazinone, Tebuthiuron
2008 August: Endosulfan found in Australian Tomatoes. Pesticides: Endosulfan, Dimethoate, Omethoate
2008 February. St George area Qld Spray Drift. Pesticides: 2,4-D, Glyphosate
2002 February: Pesticide Spill Prospect Creek. Pesticide: Methomyl
2004-6: Brisbane Pesticides in Water Tank. Pesticide: CPA
2000: Carol Creek NSW. Pesticide: Propargite
2007 March – 2010 September: Lardners Creek (Gellibrand). Pesticides: 2,4-D, MCPA
2012 April: Southern Farming Belt (WA) Spray Drift – 18 Cases in One Season.
2008-2009: Clare Valley Grapevine Damage. Pesticide: 2,4-D
2008 October: Premer (NSW) Neonicotinoids suspected in Bee Problems
2008: Watsons Creek. Pesticides in Sediment and Freshwater: Simazine, Prometryn, Boscalid
2006: Burnett River (Qld). Mud Crabs. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Fitzroy River (Qld). Mud Crabs. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Pioneer River (Qld). Mud Crabs. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Barron River (Qld) Mud Crabs: Pesticides DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Barron River (Qld) Simazine most frequently detected pesticide.
2009 May: Henderson (WA) Hundreds of dead birds. Pesticide: Fenthion
2002: Dwellingup State Forest. Removal of 25 pesticide drums. Pesticide: 2,4,5-T
2009 January: Weegena (Tas) Timber Plantations spraydrift concerns
2007 May: Priory (Tas) Plantation spray drift concerns.
2005 January: Swan Hill (Vic) Spray drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D
2008 November: Lebrina (Tas) hardwood plantation insecticide drift
2009 November: Pampas (Qld). Spray Drift
2004 March: Yamba (South Australia). Spray drift concerns.
2005 March: Liverpool Plains (NSW) Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D
2005: Balmoral (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Clifton Gardens (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Fort Denison (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Drummoyne (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Breakfast Point (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Silverwater (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005 December: Port Jackson Bream Dioxin Results (NSW)
2007 July – 2008 January: Macquarie River Coupe (approx). Pesticides: Simazine, Desisopropyl Atrazine
2007 October. Campbell Town Bridge Macquarie River. Pesticide: Simazine
2006 September: Liffey (Tas). Pesticide: Atrazine
2007 October: Brumby’s Creek (Tas). Pesticides: Simazine, MCPA
2001 November: Chimney Saddle Treatment Plant (Tas). Pesticide: Atrazine
2003 + 2018: Mount Leslie Water Treatment Plant (Tas). Pesticide: Simazine, Metsulfuron Methyl, Sulfometuron Methyl
2005 June: Little Swanport River (Tas). Pesticide: Terbacil
2004 November – 2005 February: Tea Tree Rivulet (Tas). Pesticides: Simazine, Terbacil
2004 November – 2005 March: Brushy Plains Rivulet (Tas). Pesticides: Simazine, Terbacil
2006 April: Montague River (Tas). Pesticide: Simazine
2004 November: Mackay (Qld) Pesticide spill. Pesticide: Bifenthrin
2009 April: Langkoop (Vic) Crop Duster Accident.
2006 September – 2007 August: Bull Creek (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2007 August: Corfield Street, Southern River, WA. Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2007 May: Mills Street Compensating Basin, Welshpool (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2007 August. Liege Street Wetland (WA). Pesticides: Multiple.
2006 September – 2007 August: Belmont South (WA). Pesticides: Multiple.
2006 September – 2007 August: Perth Airport Main Drain. Pesticides: Multiple
2007 January – 2007 August: Helena River (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2006 October: Ellen Brook, Henley Brook (WA). Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Metolachlor, Diuron, Simazine, Atrazine
2006 October – August 2007: Bennett Brook, Caversham (WA). Pesticides Multiple
2006 September – 2007 August: Bayswater Main Drain (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2009 September – 2010 January: Craigieburn. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine, Prometryn, Bifenthrin, Pendimethalin
2009 September – 2010 January: Wetland Mernda. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine, Propiconazole, Tebuconazole, Prometryn, Imidacloprid
2009 September – 2010 January: Maribyrnong River Sydenham (Vic). Pesticides: Simazine, Imidacloprid, Propiconazole, Pyraclostrobin, Atrazine
2007 July: Lockwood (Vic). Truck Crash herbicides.
2009 March: Scotts Creek (Vic) Crop Duster Accident
2006 March: Morundah (NSW) Crop Duster Accident
2006 December: Ringarooma (Tas) Crop Dusting Accident
2008 September: Jamestown (SA) Crop Duster Accident
2007 March: Clairview (Qld) Crop Dusting Accident
2001 March: Emerald (Qld) Crop Duster Accident
2001 January: Coutney’s Gap (Qld) Crop Duster Accident
2004 August: Stawell (Vic) Crop Duster Accident
2007 December: Lake Liddell (NSW) Crop Dusting Accident
2005 January: Dirranbandi (Qld) Crop Duster Accident
2005 January: St George (Qld) Crop Duster Accident
2009 October: Wickepin (WA) Crop Dusting Accident
2009 November: Kojonup (WA) Pilot Killed in Crop Duster Crash
2006 December: Oakey (Qld) Crop Duster Accident
2008 December: Nyngan Crop Dusting Accident
2008 February. Wee Waa (NSW) Crop Duster Crash
2006 July: George River St.Helens Offtake. Pesticide detected: Glyphosate
2003 December: Helicopter Crash Spraying Plantations. Pesticide detected: Alpha-Cypermethrin
2004 March: Toxic Spill Crash Sparks Fears for Health
2003: Big Jack Creek (NSW). Pesticide detected: Atrazine
2002 – 2008: Atrazine detected in Fitzroy River.
2002 March: Newcastle Toxic Insecticide Leak
2004 – 05: Swan Hill Spray Drift Impacts on Vineyards. Pesticide: 2,4-D
2008 July: Parafield Wetlands (SA). Pesticides detected: Dicamba, Mecoprop, MCPA, Triclopyr, Diuron, Metolachlor, Simazine
2007 January: Mole Creek (Tas) Spraydrift: Pesticide: Glyphosate
2005 July: Nyngan (NSW) Spray Drift Court Case. Pesticide detected: Glyphosate
2006: Ord River (WA) Crocodile Meat: DDT, DDE
2009: Spray Drift Cotton – MacIntyre Valley. Pesticide: 2,4-D
2010 July: $467,000 awarded in Spray Drift Case (Qld). Pesticides: Metsulfuron Methyl, Triclopyr, Picloram
2006 – 2014: Wingecarribee Water Filtration Plant. Pesticides: 2,4-D, Tricolopyr (highest Australian reading)
2006/7: Macarthur Water Filtration Plant. Pesticides: 2,4-D
2004 – 2006: Illawarra Water Filtration Plant. Pesticides: 2,4-D
2004 – 2007: Cascades Water Filtration Plant (Katoomba): Pesticides 2,4-D, Hexazinone
2006 – 2013 May: Nepean Water Filtration Plant. Pesticide: Triclopyr, 2,4-D
1964 – 1974: Ord River Region. Pesticides: DDT, DDE, Toxaphene
2006 February: Child dies from herbicide poisoning. Pesticide detected: Paraquat
2000 June: Gosford Council Fined. Pesticide: Diazinon
2000 October: Gippsland Lakes Mosquito Spray Plan: Pesticide of Concern: Temephos
2002 January: Pesticide Leak 9 Workers in Hospital: Pesticide: Fenitrothion
2003 November: Pesticides in Cigarettes. Pesticides detected: DDT, Dichloran
2004 September: Rotenone to be used to Kill Trout
2006 January: Bird Deaths Blackall’s Park
2006 May: India Rejects Wheat from Australia
2007 February: Child Care Centre on Pesticides Site
2009 September: Calder Highway Vicroads Incorrect Plant ID. Pesticide:
2007 August: Vicroads spray drift Echuca Mitiamo Road
2007 June: Wimmera Highway Spray drift
2006 April: Yarra Blvd Melbourne. 15,000 plants killed by Vicroads
2009 May – June. Gladstone Ports Dredging. Pesticides detected: Metalachlor, Chlorpyrifos
2005 – 2006: The Blue Lake + Mount Gambier. Pesticides detected: DEET, Atrazine, Simazine
2002 February: Prospect Creek Sydney. Pesticide spill, fish kill
2008 July – 2009 December: SAT site Alice Springs. Pesticides detected: DEET, Dicamba, Mecoprop, MCPA, 2,4-D, Dalapon, Desisipropyl Atrazine, Diuron, 3,4 Dichloroanaline, Simazine
1950’s – 2010’s: Nufarm Coogee Kwinana (WA). Contaminated Site
1970’s – 2010’s: Wedgefield (WA). Hazardous Waste Incinerator
2005 August: Narangba (Qld). Pesticide Chemical Fire
2005 May: Wudinna (SA). Pesticide Spill
2001 June: Wau Avenue Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Dieldrin, DDE
2001 June: Lae Drive Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Dieldrin, DDE, trans-Chlordane
2001 June: Columbus Drive Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Bifenthrin, Dieldrin, DDE, trans Chlordane, cis Chlordane, trans nonachlor
2001 June: Paradise Point – Gold Coast (Qld). Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Dieldrin, DDE
2005 August – 2006 April: Gunbower National Channel. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan
2004 October – 2006 April: Kangaroo Lake Channel 7 (main channel to Swan Hill). Pesticides detected: Endosulfan, Atrazine, Molinate, Chlorpyrifos
2004 October – 2006 April: Appin Channel 8/2. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan
2004 October – 2006 April: West Boort (Waranga Western Channel). Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan
2004/2006+2018: Corop Waranga Western Channel. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan, Chloropicrin
2005/06 + 2018/19: Tatura Channel 3/5 Town Supply. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan, Chloropicrin
2004/06 + 2019: Kyabram Channel 8. Pesticides detected: Endosulfan, Atrazine, Chloropicrin
2004 October – 2006 April: Ardmona Channel 4. Pesticides detected: Endosulfan, Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos, Parathion Methyl
2004 October – April 2006: Mooroopna (Vic) Channel 15/6/4. Pesticides detected: Endosulfan, Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos
2008? Watts River (approx location). Pesticides detected: Indoxacarb, Difenconazole, Dieldrin
2008? Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf (approx location). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Fenoxycarb, Pirimicarb
2008?: Stringybark Creek (Yarra Catchment). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Myclobutanil, Pirimicarb
2008? Olinda Creek (Yarra Catchment). Pesticides detected: Imidacloprid, Simazine
2008?: McCrae Creek (Yarra Catchment). Pesticide: Trifloxystrobin
2008? Hoddles Creek (Vic). Yarra Catchment. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2008?: Cockatoo Creek (Vic) Yarra Catchment. Pesticides: Multiple.
2009 November – 2016 August: Balmoral (Vic). Pesticides detected: MCPA, Atrazine
2009 August – 2014 April. Warrnambool Headworks. Pesticides detected: 2,4-D, MCPA
2007-10: Pykes Creek Reservoir. Pesticide detected: 2,4-D
2007/8: Djerriwarrh Reservoir (Vic). Pesticide detected: Aldrin
2000 + 2017/19: Violet Town (Vic). Pesticide detected: Hexachlorobenzene
2005 + 2017/19: Shepparton. Pesticide detected: Hexachlorobenzene, Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2000+2017/19: Picola (Vic). Pesticide detected: Hexachlorobenzene, Dalapon
2000 + 2018: Katunga (Vic). Pesticide detected: Hexachlorobenzene, Chloropicrin
2000+2011+2018/19 : Katamatite (Vic). Pesticides detected: Heptachlor, 2,4-D, Chloropicrin
2007 September – 2010 July: Lorne (Vic). Pesticide detected: Hexazinone, 2,4-D
2007 March – 2010 September: Gellibrand (Vic). Pesticides detected: 2,4-D, 4 chlorphenoxy acetic acid, MCPA
2009 December: Colac. Pesticides detected: 2,4-D, 4, chlorophenoxy acetic acid
2009 September – 2015 December: Birregurra. Pesticides detected: MCPA, Molinate.
2007 March: Airey’s Inlet. Pesticide detected: 2,4-D
2007: Kerrie Reservoir Romsey. Pesticide detected: 2,4-D, Chlordane
2007 December: Tarwin River. Pesticide detected: Prometryn.
2006 – 2016: Dumbalk Water Treatment Plant. Pesticide detected: Methoxychlor, Triclopyr, 2,4-D.
2000 February: Johns Hill Plant Kallista. Pesticides detected: Aldrin, Lindane and Heptachlor
2010 November: Kerang. Pesticides detected: Atrazine
2010 November: Red Cliffs (Vic). Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Simazine.
2007 June: Acrolein Southern Rural Water.
2007 June: Moe Drain. Pesticides detected: Simazine, Ethion
2007 November – December: Latrobe River near Rosedale. Pesticides detected: Simazine, Hexazinone.
2002 November: Newry Creek (Vic). Pesticide detected: DEET
2005 January – 2006 April: Shepparton Irrigation Area. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos, Endosulfan, Parathion Methyl
2005 August – 2006 April: Katamatite (Vic) Channel Water Supply. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan, Chlorpyrifos.
2005 August – 2006 April: Burramine region Yarrawonga Drain (Vic). Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Endosulfan.
2004 October – 2006 April: Torgannah Region (Vic): Pesticides detected: Endosulfan, Parathion Methyl, Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos
2004 November – 2006 April: Stuart Murray Canal (Vic). Pesticides detected: Endosulfan, Atrazine.
2007 April: Waranga Western Channel. Pesticide Detected: Glyphosate.
2006 June: Murray River Aquatic Weeds: Pesticide detected: Glyphosate
2007+2019: Kirwans Bridge (Vic). Pesticide detected: Glyphosate, Chloropicrin.
1995 April – 2006 May: Broken Creek (Vic). Pesticides detected: Glyphosate.
1996 November – 2007: Lake Nagambie (Vic). Pesticides detected: Glyphosate.
2003 August – 2004 May. Wilson River (NSW). Pesticides detected: Glyphosate, Dicamba.
2003 August – 2004 February: Emigrant Creek (NSW). Pesticides detected: Glyphosate, Triclopyr, Endosulfan.
2007: Grahamstown NSW. Pesticide detected: Glyphosate.
2001-2002: Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Bifenthrin.
2001 March: Oxley Creek Brisbane. Multiple pesticides.
2001 February: Loders Creek Southport (Qld). Pesticide detected: Chlorpyrifos.
2001 February: Redcliffe (Qld). Pesticide detected: Bifenthrin.
2001 January: Fish Kill Gold Coast. Pesticide detected: Chlorpyrifos.
1998 – 2000 + 2022: Barossa Water Treatment Plant. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, Diazinon, MCPA.
2001 October: Sixth Creek (SA). Pesticide detected: Endosulfan
2001 August: Myponga Creek (SA): Pesticide detected: Methoxychlor.
1999 + 2015 + 2022: Murray Bridge, Murray River. Pesticide detections: Hexazinone, Simazine, MCPA.
1999 – 2024: Little Para River Snake Gully Bridge (SA). Pesticides detected: Hexazinone, Simazine, Chlorthal-Dimethyl, MCPA, Triclopyr, Picloram, Metsulfuron Methyl.
1998 – 2023: Kangaroo Creek Reservoir (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Dieldrin, Triclopyr, MCPA, 2,4-D.
1998 May – 2022: Hope Valley Water Treatment Plant (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Atrazine, Chlordane, Dieldrin, Aldrin, Triclopyr, MCPA.
2001 – 2023: Clarendon Weir (SA). Pesticide detected: Simazine, MCPA, Triclopyr, 2,4-D
2002 April: Murray River at Berri. Pesticide detected: Dieldrin.
1998 – 2022: Barossa Weir. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, Diazinon, Simazine, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl.
2008 September: Munglinup (WA). Pesticide detected: Atrazine
2008 June: Borden (WA). Pesticide detected. Atrazine.
2006 August: Denham (WA) – Pesticides detected: Bifenthrin.
2005 February – 2009 February: Fitzroy Crossing (WA): Pesticide detected: Dieldrin.
2005 – 2010: Yerecoin (WA). Pesticide detected: Dieldrin.
2007 – 2020: Baroota Reservoir (SA). Pesticide detected: Simazine, 2,4-D, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl, Dicamba.
1998 September – 2024 February: Anstey Hill Water Treatment Plant (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Chlordane, Dieldrin, MCPA
2003 – 2013: South Esk River (West Tamar). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Glyphosate, 2,4-D, Metsulfuron Methyl, Atrazine, MCPA, Sulfometuron Methyl, Prometryn.
2009 September: White Kangaroo Rivulet (Tas). Pesticide detected: Hexazinone.
2005 October: South Esk River (Perth Tas). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Terbacil.
2005 July – 2014 July: Rubicon River (Tas). Australia’s highest reading for MCPA Jan 14 2014.
2005 April: Prosser River Tas. Pesticide Detected: Simazine.
2006 April – 2014 March: Montagu River (Tas) at Stuarts Road. Pesticides detected: Simazine, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl.
2008 July – 2011 April: Meander River (Tas) at Strathbridge. Pesticides detected: Simazine, MCPA.
2007 October: Macquarie River Tas (near Campbell Town). Pesticide detected: Simazine.
2007 July – 2007 October: Macquarie River (Tas) at Trefusis. Pesticide detected: Simazine.
2007 July – 2014 July: Macquarie River (Tas) Campbell Town. Pesticides detected: Simazine, MCPA, Triclopyr.
2007 January: Inglis River (Tas). Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone.
2007 July: Great Forester River (Tas). Pesticides Detected: MCPA, 2,4-D.
2006 July – 2014 July: Duck River (Tas). Pesticides detected: MCPA, Atrazine, Triclopyr, 2,4-D, Metsulfuron Methyl.
2007 October – 2010 November: Don River (Tas) Old Bass Hwy. Pesticide Detected: MCPA.
2009 September: Coal River at Baden (Tas). Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone.
1960 – 2015: Gunnamatta Outfall Melbourne Water
2005 October: Sunday Creek Reservoir. Pesticide detected: Pentachlorophenol.
2005 June – 2012 October: Broken Creek Numurkah. Pesticides detected: PCP, Atrazine, Simazine and 2,4-D
2006 May: Murray Valley CH13A 7/2: Australia’s highest levels of 2,4-D?
2006 March – 2006 May: Rodney Main Drain, Weller Rd, Wyuna.
2005 January – 2005 March. Hexazinone Pollution Bungal Creek
2006 March: Hexazinone Pollution East Moorabool River
2005 March: Montpellier Basin #4 Hexazinone Detection
2005 March: Hexazinone detected at Bannockburn Basin.
2005 March – 2007 October: Hexazinone Pollution Bostok Reservoir
2005 January – 2007 October: Hexazinone Pollution Korweinguboora Outlet
2005 March: Korweingboora Reservoir: Hexazinone highest level
2006 January – 2011 June: Moorabool Treatment Plant Geelong Water Supply
2005 January – 2005 March: Hexazinone Pollution Stony Creek Reservoir 2 (Geelong Water Supply)
2003 August – 2011 July: Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Pesticide Detections: 2,4-D, Hexazinone, Atrazine
2007 September – 2013 September: Pennyroyal Creek Geelong Water Supply
2007 September – 2016 August. Matthews Creek Geelong Water Supply. Pesticides: MCPA, 2,4-D, Dicamba
2007 July – 2016 August: Pesticides Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel – Salt Creek Lane. Pesticides: Glyphosate, 2,4-D, MCPA, 4, Chlorophenoxy Acid
2000-2002: Rosedale (Vic) Death of 100 old growth Red Gums. Pesticides: Atrazine and Hexazinone.
2009 March: Hobart – Derwent River. Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone and Atrazine
2012 June: Pesticides Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake
2008 May: Ross (Tas) & Macquarie River: Pesticide Detected: Atrazine.
2007 October: Plantation Pesticides Leach Off Site. Western Creek (Tas) – Pesticides: Glyphosate and Sulfometuron Methyl
2007 June: Joondalup (WA) Groundwater Polluted. Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone.
2007 March: Inglis River (Tas): Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone.
2007 March: Duck River North West Tasmania: Pesticides Detected: MCPA, Atrazine.
2007 March: Pesticides detected in George River: MCPA, Atrazine, 2,4-D, Metsulfuron Methyl.
2005 July: Gellibrand (Vic) Aerial Spraying
2004 July – 2005 June: Prosser River Tasmania – Pesticide Detected: Simazine
2005 February: George River (Tas) Oyster Deaths: Suspected Pesticides: Atrazine, Alpha-Cypermethrin.
2005 January: St. Helens (Tas) Childhood Cancers, Premature Births. Pesticides Suspected: Atrazine and Simazine.
2004 December: Western Creek (Tas) Water Supply. Pesticides detected: Atrazine and Simazine.
2004 October: Snowy River Pine Plantations. Suspected Pesticide: Atrazine.
2002 September: Orbost Water Supply. Pesticide Detected Simazine
2004 June: Campbell Town (Tas) Drinking Water. Pesticide Detected: Simazine
2000 December: Plantation Giant Rejects Risk Claims. Pesticide: Dimethoate.
1999-2000: Lock 9 Murray River (Vic). Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone.
1999 -2012 + 2023 September: Mannum (SA). Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone, Simazine, Chloropicrin
1998 – 2024 : Mount Bold Reservoir. Pesticide Detected: Dieldrin, Chlorthal Dimethyl, MCPA, 2,4-D.
1998 – 2001 + 5/6/22: Gumeracha Weir (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Endosulphan, Heptachlor..
1998 July – 2017 October: Warren Reservoir (SA). Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, Simazine, MCPA, Clopyralid, Metsulfuron Methyl.
1998 – 2022: South Para Reservoir. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, MCPA, Triclopyr, Metsulfuron Methyl.
1997 December – 2000 November: Barossa Reservoir. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, Simazine.
2004 December – 2008 October: Korweinguboora Plantation Pollution. Pesticide: Hexazinone
2007 May: Insecticide and cattle antibiotics Macalister Irrigation District. Pesticide: DEET.
2007: December – Spray Drift Wrattonbully South Australia.
2000: Herbert River region Queensland. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Atrazine, Diuron, 2,4-D.
2008 February: Woori Yallock Spray Drift
1971-2012: Fiskville Country Fire Authority Training Facility
2003 January: Endosulfan in rainwater tank 360 times higher than safe guideline
2001 November + 2014/23: Dalby Water Treatment Plant (Queensland).
2003 January: St George Cattle Quarantine. Pesticide: Endosulfan.
2003 January: Darling Downs Health Problems
2003 January: Dalby (Qld) Health Concerns
2001: Warringah Golf Course 10,000 Dead Fish (Chemical: Azinphos Methyl)
2004 September: Timber Spraying Contaminated Drinking Water. Pesticide: Atrazine.
2005: Australian Wine Exports at Spray Risk
2005 January: Pesticides Linked to Breast Cancer in Victoria
2006: Worst Groundwater Pollution in Southern Hemisphere
2007: Pesticides Galathea Creek, New South Wales
2009 January: Spray Drift Mackenzie River Queensland
2009 January: Spray Drift Warning Dawson Valley Qld
2009 January: Spray Drift Central Highlands Region Queensland
2009 May: EPA Lower Yarra Fish Study. Pesticide: DDT.
2009 May: High Risk Pesticides Ord Irrigation Region
2009 June: Gordonvale Qld Spray Drift
2009 November: $9000 Spray Drift Fine to Emerald Farmer
2009 November: Bunbury Dolphin Deaths
2009 November: Pesticides Suspected in Dolphin Deaths. Pesticide: Dieldrin.
1999 May – 2015 May: Tod Reservoir South Australia. Pesticides detected: Simazine, Chlorpyrifos
2008: Noosa Two Headed Fish Controversy and Carbendazim
2011: Suttor River/Burdekin River pesticide detections
2008/9: Pesticides detected in Murray River Queensland
2010 July: Western Downs Spray Drift
2013: Mount Barker Spray Drift Case Settled out of court
2008 September: Bee Deaths Yarra Valley. Pesticide: Clothiandin.
2003 May – 2013 Dec: Wurdee Boluc Reservoir (Geelong). Pesticide: 2,4-D.
2004 December – 2006 April: Kerang (Vic) Channel 14/2. Pesticide: Esfenvalerate, Bifenthrin, Taufluvalinate, Endosulfan, Atrazine, Simazine.