Yerecoin Western Australia
2005 February 1: Dieldrin 0.004ug/L
2006 January 3: Dieldrin 0.004ug/L
2010 October 20″ Dieldrin 0.005ug/L
Yerecoin – the water source for Yerecoin is a series of shallow spears and wells surrounded by cereal crop farms. An investigation after the initial detection in 2005 identified a power pole bringing power to the treatment facilities adjacent to the spears and wells as the probable source of contamination. Past practice for termite protection of power poles involved spraying the base of the pole with dieldrin. The pole was replaced and contaminated soil surrounding the pole was removed. The most recent detection may indicate that some residual contamination may still exist as dieldrin is a very persistent chemical in soils and water and may continue to be leached from soils for some time….
Source: Water Corporation August 2011.