From paddocks cropped with sorghum at Big Jacks Creek in the Liverpool Plains, NSW, the highest concentration of atrazine in runoff water was 159μg/L. The second highest peak concentration was recorded from the same site (103μg/L) approximately
three months after application (Sun and Cornish 2003).

2003: Big Jack Creek (NSW). Pesticide detected: Atrazine

Importance of the study of atrazine toxicity to amphibians in the Australian environment
Khurshida Akter Siddiqua1*, Scott P. Wilson1, and Ralph Alquezar21Centre for Environmental Management, CQUniversity, Gladstone, Qld- 4680, Australia.2 Vision Environment Queensland, PO Box 1267, Gladstone, Qld 4680, Australia.
Manuscript received, 24/5/2011; accepted, 28/3/2012
From paddocks cropped with sorghum at Big Jacks Creek in the Liverpool Plains, NSW, the highest concentration of atrazine in runoff water was 159μg/L. The second highest peak concentration was recorded from the same site (103μg/L) approximately
three months after application (Sun and Cornish 2003).