Wingecarribee Water Filtration Plant

2006/7: 2,4-D 0.1ug/L (f)


 2007/8: Triclopyr detected in samples taken on 20/8/07 (0.08 mg/L) pD5 – [This remains the highest Triclopyr detection in Australia].

 Triclopyr found inwater samples – 0.3ug/L cf ADWG – Health value 0.01mg/L or 10ug/L ie 1/30 ADWG value. –D6 (f)


2009/10; 0.07ug/L Triclopyr (max), 0.03ug/L Triclopyr (med) (e)


17/6/11: On 08/06/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reserviorwhich analysis reported on 17/06/2011 detected the herbicide Triclopyr at 0.03 ug/L.The sample was taken at the intake to Wingecarribee Water Treatment Plant, supplied from Wingecarribee Dam… Any detection of this chemical, which is used for weed control inWingecarribee Swamp, is to be declared as a minor incident under the Catchment Operations… On 03/05/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reservoir, which analysis reported on the 11/05/2011 detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.06 ug/L… On 05/04/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reservoirand analysis reported on 12/04/2011detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.04ug/L from the sample taken… On 1/03/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reservoir and analysis reported on28/03/2011 it was reported the water monitoring program detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.03ug/L… On December 14th 2010 SCA routine water monitoring detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.04ug/L at the intake to Wingecarribee Water Treatment Plant supplied from Wingecarribee Dam. (d)


2011/12: Triclopyr 0.1ug/L (max) (c)


2012/13: Triclopyr 0.075ug/L (med), 0.24 (max) (b)


2013/14: Triclopyr 0.04ug/L (a)


2006 – 2014: Wingecarribee Water Filtration Plant. Pesticides: 2,4-D, Tricolopyr (highest Australian reading)

Wingecarribee Water Filtration Plant

2006/7: 2,4-D 0.1ug/L (f)


2007/8: Triclopyr detected in samples taken on 20/8/07 (0.08 mg/L) pD5 – [This remains the highest Triclopyr detection in Australia].

Triclopyr found inwater samples – 0.3ug/L cf ADWG – Health value 0.01mg/L or 10ug/L ie 1/30 ADWG value. –D6 (f)


2009/10; 0.07ug/L Triclopyr (max), 0.03ug/L Triclopyr (med) (e)


17/6/11: On 08/06/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reserviorwhich analysis reported on 17/06/2011 detected the herbicide Triclopyr at 0.03 ug/L.The sample was taken at the intake to Wingecarribee Water Treatment Plant, supplied from Wingecarribee Dam… Any detection of this chemical, which is used for weed control inWingecarribee Swamp, is to be declared as a minor incident under the Catchment Operations… On 03/05/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reservoir, which analysis reported on the 11/05/2011 detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.06 ug/L… On 05/04/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reservoirand analysis reported on 12/04/2011detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.04ug/L from the sample taken… On 1/03/2011 a routine water sample was taken from Wingecarribee Reservoir and analysis reported on28/03/2011 it was reported the water monitoring program detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.03ug/L… On December 14th 2010 SCA routine water monitoring detected a level of herbicide Triclopyr at 0.04ug/L at the intake to Wingecarribee Water Treatment Plant supplied from Wingecarribee Dam. (d)


2011/12: Triclopyr 0.1ug/L (max) (c)


2012/13: Triclopyr 0.075ug/L (med), 0.24 (max) (b)


2013/14: Triclopyr 0.04ug/L (a)
