Era: 2020’s
2024: McCall Say Reservoir (Vic)
2022/24: Kiewa (Vic) 2,4-D, Triclopyr, 2,6-D
2022: Loombah Reservoir, Benalla
2021: Wodonga Raw Water Storage
2018-2024: Evanswood Basin, Yackandandah (Vic)
2022: Mawson Lakes (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021: Victor Harbor (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021: Normanville (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021/22: Nettle Hill (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021: Sellicks Beach (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2022: Wall Flat (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021: Kingston on Murray (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021: Valley View (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021: Underdale (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021/22: Ottoway (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021/22: Cooltong (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2022: Caloote (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021/22: Burton (South Australia). Chloropicrin
9/2/23: Salisbury Plain (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2022: Burdett South (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2022/23: Lock (South Australia). Chloropicrin
2021/23: Kimba (South Australia). Chloropicrin
27/3/23: West Richmond (South Australia). Chloropicrin
4/1/23: Cadell (South Australia). Chloropicrin
17/4/24: Tarago River East Branch Weir. Triclopyr
11/4/24: Yan Yean Reservoir Clearwater Channel. 2,4-D
5/7/22: Silvan Olinda. Imidacloprid
19/2/24: Creswell Reservoir Tap. DEET
23/11/23: Brahams Road Detention Point
3/8/21: Yan Yean Treatment Plant. Simazine
2019-2024: Winneke Treatment Plant. MCPA, Metolachlor, Simazine
2017/20: Nagambie (Victoria). Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2017/20: Colbinabbin (Victoria), Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2017/2020: Buxton (Victoria) Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2019/24: Bathurst, Macquarie River Water Filtration Weir Pool
Nov 17 2024: DNOC and other pesticides detected in air in NSW west
2022: Goulburn River at Echuca
2022: Campaspe River (Upstream) Rochester
2022: Campaspe River, Rochester.
7/11/22: Broken River (Shepparton). MCPA
2024: Castlebar Road, Bundemar, NSW
2023/24: Railway Street, Gilgandra, NSW
2023/24: Wambianan Road, Gin Gin
2023/24: Mungeribar Lane, Trangie
2023/24: Mitchell Road, Trangie NSW. Passive Air Sampling, Vegetation Impacts
October 28 2024: Australia’s top neurologists call for chemical regulators to ban paraquat
October 29 2024: Farmers’ warning over Paraquat chemical’s link to Parkinsons Disease
5/10/24: Poisoned Cockatoos, Gymea Bay (NSW)
Graincorp fined $15,000 for fumigation error
2022/23: Proserpine Water Supply.
2022/23: Collinsville Water Supply (Qld) Dalapon
2022/23 Coastal WTP (Qld) Atrazine-2-Hydroxy, Hexazinone
2022/23: Bowen (Qld) Dalapon, Atrazine-2-Hydroxy, Desethyl Atrazine
Sep 2024: Former Monsanto Exec’s invite-only social network reveals the dark tactics of the pro chemical lobby
2020/21: Moranbah (Queensland) 2-methylnapthalene in drinking water supply
2020/21: Clermont Drinking Water (Queensland) – Tebuthiuron
9/10/23: Carmilla (Qld) Water Supply. Endrin Aldehyde
31/8/24: Paraquat. Scientists work to unravel silent pandemic affecting farmers
March 2023: Woongarra Balancing Storage Lagoon (Qld)
18/1/23: Glenmore Water Treatment Plant Rockhampton (Qld). Pesticides: Disulfoton, Tebuthiuron, Metolachlor, Atrazine, Terbuthylazine
July 16 2024: Investigation launched after 69 native trees found poisoned by glyphosate near Albany in Western Australia
July 25 2024: Major class action thrown out as Federal Court finds insufficient evidence to prove weedkiller Roundup causes cancer
July 24 2024: New study finds alarming rise in persistent ‘forever chemicals in pesticides
July 25 2024: Study links specific pesticides to increased risk of 6 types of cancers
April 2024: Pesticides in Australian (NSW) Frogs. Pesticides: Brodifacoum, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, DDE, MCPA, Fipronil Sulfone
4/3/24: Individual fined over Hazelbrook Creek Crayfish Kill. Pesticide: Bifenthrin
12/2/24: Scientist Warns Pesticides Harming Native Wildlife
7/7/23: Are Queenslanders Microdosing on Weedkillers in their Drinking Water?
8/11/23: An Impossible Dream. Sustainable Pesticide Management in Great Barrier Reef Catchments
2021: Central West NSW (Narromine region) Vegetation testing. Pesticides: Multiple
January 27 2024: Menindee Fish Kills. Pesticides: Several
7/1/24: Insect apocalypse: Call to restrict pesticide ‘more toxic than DDT’
2022/23: One of worst years for spray drift (New South Wales).
6/12/23: Woolgoolga (New South Wales) Water Pollution, Pesticide Offences
11/12/23: Spray Drift Investigations New South Wales
2023 December: Spray drift Griffith & Carrathool
2020: South Ballina (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Empire Vale 2/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Empire Vale 1/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: North Creek/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Fishery Creek/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Emigrant Creek/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticide in water and oysters
14/12/23: Cocktail of pesticides found in Richmond River, including chemical banned in 2006
8/12/23: Over 1000ha of Cotton Crops in NSW hit by Spray Drift
21/11/23: Yorke Peninsula (South Australia) 26 reports of spray drift. Pesticide: Overwatch (Bixlozone)
2016/20: Whitfield drinking water supply. Pesticide: MCPA, Atrazine, Terbufos, Carbofenothion
2012/24: Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga. Pesticides: Atrazine, MCPA, Simazine, Dicamba, Triclopyr, Terbutryn, 2,4-D
2012/22: Wodonga Creek, Wodonga. Pesticides: Multiple
2012/22: Wahgunyah (Murray River, Victoria). Pesticides Atrazine, Terbutryn, MCPA, Simazine, Triclopyr, Trichlorfon, Hexazinone, Dicamba
2013/22: Oxley (Victoria). King River Offtake. Pesticides: MCPA, 2,6-D, Triclopyr, 2,4-D, Atrazine, Simazine
2021/22: Mount Beauty Drinking Water (Victoria). Phenoxy herbicides
2018/24: Moyhu Drinking Water Supply (Victoria)
2018/21: Dartmouth (Vic) drinking water supply
2016/22: Corryong Drinking Water. Pesticides: Benomyl, Terbufos, MCPA
2021/22: Benalla Drinking Water Supply. Pesticides: 2,4-D or MCPA
2012/24: Lake Hume at Bethanga Bridge, Bellbridge.
2012-24: Reserve Basin at Inlet to Beechworth.
2018/23: Nil Gully, Myrtleford (Victoria) Water Supply. Pesticides: 2,4-D, MCPA, Benomyl, Diuron, Bentazon
2012/18: Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah. Hexazinone
2013-2019/22: Walwa (Victoria) Murray River. 2,4-D, Atrazine, MCPA, Triclopyr, Simazine
2013 + 2019/23: Tallangatta Drinking Water Supply. Pesticides: MCPA, 2,4-D, Tebuthiuron, Atrazine, Simazine, Triclopyr
2018/23: Bright Drinking Water Supply. Freeburgh Storage. Pesticides: Multiple
2023 September: Crayfish Kill at Hazelbrook (NSW)
July 17 2023: No sign of Gouldian Finches in Ord Valley
2013/2023: Coochin Creek at Mawsons Road (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: Mary River at Churchill Street, Maryborough (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: Gregory River, Jarrets Road (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Stockyard Creek at Wallerawang (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Elliott River at Dr Mays Crossing (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Yellow Waterholes Creek (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Spliters Creek at Henkers Road (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Welcome Creek at Gooburrum Road (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Moore Park Drainage (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Fairydale Drainage at Norton Road, Moore Park Beach. Pesticides: Multiple
2019/2023: Kolan River at Barrage, Avondale (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2020: Kolan River at Booyan Boat Shed (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2016/2023: MacKenzie River at Rileys Crossing. Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: Plane Creek at Sucrogen Weir (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2016/2023: O’Connell River at Staffords Crossing (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2014/2023: O’Connell River at Caravan Park (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2016/2023: Proserpine River at Glen Isla (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: Don River, Bowen (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: East Barratta Creek at Jerona Road (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: Haughton River at Giru Tailwater. Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023. Ross River at Aplins Weir Townsville (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/2023: Black River at Bruce Highway (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2018/2023: Murray River at Bilyana (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2021: Forrest Beach (Qld). Pesticides: Atrazine, Desethyl Atrazine, Hexazinone
2021: Macknade (Queensland). Pesticides: Atrazine, Desethyl Atrazine, Hexazinone
2015/2022: Johnstone River at Coquette Point. Pesticides: Multiple
2012/2023: North Johnstone River at Goondi (Innisfail Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2014/23: Russell River at East Russell (Qld). Pestides: Multiple
2013/23: Mulgrave River at Deerel (Queensland). Pesticides: Multiple (2515 detections)
2017-2023: Mossman River at Bonnie Doon. Pesticides: Multiple
2017-2023: Daintree River at Lower Daintree. Pesticides: Multiple
2021/22: Normanby River at Kalpower Crossing. Pesticides: 2,4-D, Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon, Fluroxypur, Imidacloprid, Metolachlor, Terbuthylazine
12 March 2023: Spray Drift Cowboys: Fighting Spray Drift in the Cotton Industry
Feb 28 2028: Farm chemical spray drift causing widespread tree deaths, claims community group
Jan 23 2023: Mudgee/Macquarie Valley. Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D?
2023 January: Lower Namoi (NSW) Spray Drift. 2,4-D?
Jan 23 2023: Gwydir (NSW). Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D?
Jan 23 2023: Mungindi (Qld). Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D?
Jan 23 2023: Dirranbandi (NSW) Spray Drift
Jan 23 2023: Spray Drift St George District. Pesticide: 2,4-D
Jan 6 2023: Spray Drift impacts on 30,000ha Eastern Darling Downs. Pesticides: 2,4-D
Sep 19 2022: Pilot dies in crop duster plane crash near Toowoomba
Jan 1 2023: Chemical Romance or Toxic Relationship: what you need to know about EDC’s
27/12/22: Dead fish found in Channel in Sale.
15/12/22: Suspected spray drift incident. Kuitpo (South Australia)
Oct/Nov 2022: Snowy River at Marlo. Pesticides: Hexazinone, Simazine, Captan
October 2022: Snowy River at Orbost. Pesticides: Hexazinone, Simazine, Dicamba
2022: Snowy River at Bete Bolong. Pesticides: Hexazinone, Dicamba
2022 November: Murray River at Swan Hill. Pesticides: Simazine, Atrazine
October 2022: Murray River at Echuca. Pesticides: Atrazine, MGK-264, Simazine
November 2022: Loddon River, Kerang. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine
November 2022: Little Murray River at Swan Hill. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine
Oct/Nov 2022: Campaspe River at Kyneton. Hexazinone, MCPA
Oct 2022: Broken River Benalla. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine, Dicamba, MCPA
November 2021/23: Armidale (NSW) Senior staff member of APVMA urinates on Staff
October 20 2022: Secret Files linked with Paraquat and Parkinsons Disease
20/10/22: Propyzamide linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IFD)
26/5/22: Torrens River (South Australia). Gumeracha. Pesticide: Triclopyr
26/5/22: Millers Creek (South Australia). Pesticide: MCPA
2013-2020: Home Hill Emergency Bores. Pesticides: Atrazine and metabolites
2010-2020: Chambers Bores, Ayr. Pesticides: Atrazine, Desethyl Atrazine, Imazapic
2010-2020: Nelsons Borefield, Ayr. Pesticides: Desethyl Atrazine, Bromacil, Dimethoate, Flusilazole
2015-2020: Conlan Street Bores, Ayr. Pesticides: Multiple
2010-2020: South Ayr Raw Water Quality. Pesticides: Multiple
Oct 3 2022: Glyphosate found inside Australian’s urine
28/9/22: Blueberry Blues – Coffs Harbour
23/9/21: Hing Lee Hong Enterprise Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Carbendazim
17/9/21: Progressive Mango Growers Multan. Breaching Australian MRL: Tebuconazole
17/9/21: Manahel Group (Egypt). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
15/9/21: Song Tran Import and Export (Vietnam). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Carbendazim
24/8/21: Rgn Exports (India). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
28/7/21: Anatolia (Iran). Breached Australian MRL. Pesticide: Propargite
26/8/21: Xiangyang Tianma Zhonge Trading Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL’s: Pesticides: Myclobutanil, Pyraclostrobin
2/8/21: Hunan Duoying Agricultural Science Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Flusilazole
23/7/21: Tropical Green Co Ltd (Thailand). Breaching Australian MRL for Chlorpyrifos
12/7/21: Red Dragon Co Ltd (Vietnam). Pesticide: Cypermethrin
2/7/21: Shanghai Dongmei Import and Export Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Cyhalothrin
August 25 2022: 70 Flying Foxes Poisoned. Pesticide: Dieldrin
18/5/21: Shenzhen J.F.Li Fruit Co Ltd (China), breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Cyhalothrin
21/5/21: D & T Green Foods (Vietnam), breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Difenconazole
2021: Benz Exports (India). Breaching Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Profenofos, Cypermethrin
10/5/21: M. Mandoor and Co Pak, breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Propargite
14/4/21: Yongzhou Huiyou Agriculture Development Limited Company (China), breaching Australian MRL’s for Thiamethoxam, Difenconazole
2021: Patidar Exports Pvt Ltd. Breaching Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Thiamethoxam, Carbendazim
16/3/21: Dakahlia (Egypt). Breaching Australian MRL for Mandarins. Pesticide: Pendimethalin
16/2/21: Eastern Condiments (India). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: 2-Phenylphenol
2021 February: JM Exports Tonga, breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Acephate
2021: Jayalanka Supplier (Sri Lanka). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: 2-Phenylphenol
8/2/21: Guangzhou Meixiang Yang Catering Management Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Carbendazim
February 2021: PDS FZE (United Arab Emirates). Breaching Australian MRL for Cypermethrin
2021 January: Nolka Limited (Papua New Guinea). Breaching Australian MRL for Cyhalothrin
2021 January: Orange for Agricultural Crops (Egypt) breaching Australian MRL for Indoxacarb
202January 2021: Qingdao Oea Foods Co Ltd, breaching Australian MRL for Procymidone
January 2021: Goodlife Company Ltd (Vietnam), breaching Australian MRL’s for Carbendazim, Cypermethrin, Iprodione, Permethrin
December 2020: Anqiu Artisan Agricultural Products Co Ltd. (China) Breaching Australian MRL for Thiabendazole
26/11/20: Patel Chaturbhai Ranchholdbhai Pulses breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
November 2020: BJ & T Stock Company (Vietnam), breaching MRL’s for Carbendazim, Iprodione
October 2020: Jay Keshav Exports breaching Australian MRL’s. Pesticide: Cyhalothrin
October 2020: Micson Food Processing (China). Breaching Australian MRL’s
13/3/19: Bool Lagoon South Australia. Helicopter Spraying Accident
31/7/20: Steam Plains (NSW) Helicopter Accident
23/2/22: Pilot killed in crop dusting accident, Seaview Gippsland
15/7/22: Fungicide spill – Western Ring Road, Melbourne
2022 July: Why are pesticides banned overseas still used in Australia…?
4/7/2022: NSW Central West Spray Drift
2015/20: Ingham (Qld) Drinking Water Bore Water. Pesticides: Atrazine, 2,4-D, Dalapon, Imidacloprid, Desethylatrazine, Hexazinone
2020/22: Daylesford Water Supply. Pesticides: Simazine, 2,4-D, Trichlorofon
2020/22: Beaufort (Victoria). Pesticide: Simazine, Trichlorofon, Triclopyr, Fluroxypur
February 22 2022: Spray Drift Clare (South Australia)
March 2022: Rockingham (Western Australia). Poisoned Corellas. Pesticide: Fenthion
March 17 2022: Poisoned Corellas, Beeliar Oval, Perth WA. Pesticide: Fenthion
January 2022: Chemical concerns over mass bee kill (Sunraysia region, Victoria)
22 December 2021: Macadamia farmer convicted and fined. Spray Drift
14/8/20: Linhai Monhong (China). Breaching Australian MRLs. Pesticides: Cyhalothrin, Difenconazole
7/8/20: Hong Kong Top Gold International Trading Co Ltd. Breached Australian MRL; Pesticide: Carbendazim
31/7/20: T&A VN Import Export Company Limited (Vietnam). Breaching Australian MRLs. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin, Difenconazole, Permethrin
31/7/20: Rutu Agro Food Cold Storage (India). Breaching Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Acephate, Carbendazim, Chlorpyrifos
24/7/20: Dujardin Food (Belgium). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Cyhalothrin
17/7/20: Consolidated Business Systems (Sri Lanka). Breached Australian MRL. Pesticide: Carbendazim
9/7/20: Dohler Neuenkirche N Gmbh (Germany). Breaching Australian MRL: Paclobutrazol
1/7/20: Parayil Food Products (India). Breaching Australian MRL’s: Pesticides: Acephate, Monocrotophos
2020/21: Batra Enterprises (India). Breaches to Australian MRL’s. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
2020/21: Jining New Silk Road Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Carbendazim
2020: Nam Hai Company Limited (Vietnam). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Hexaconazole, Difenconazole
13/5/20: Botou Huayang Jujube Industry Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL’s
13/5/20: Hong Kong Sing Hung Food Co (China). Breach to Australian MRL: Pesticide Carbendazim
2021 August: Overwatch problems in South Australia. Pesticide: Bixlozone
2021 August/September: Overwatch moves outside boundary: Pesticide: Bixlozone
9/7/21: Moisture blamed on Overwatch volatility. Pesticide: Bixlozone
11/5/20: Wonderful Citrus (United States). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2020: Guangzhou Linqi Trading Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australias MRL’s. Pesticides: Procymidone, Thiamethoxam, Cyhalothrin
1/5/20: Khajanchi Exports (Mumbai India). Food breaching Australian MRL for Carbendazim
2020: Pacific Coast Fruit Products (Canada). Breaching Australian MRLs for Carbendazim, Fipronil
24/4/20: Svt International. Breaching Australian MRL’s: Pesticide: Carbendazim
3/4/20: Colombia Bean and Produce Co Inc – Breaching Australian MRL’s: Pesticides: Acephate, Methamidophos
1/4/20: D & T Green Food Co Ltd (Vietnam). Frozen Red Chillies Breaching Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Difenconazole, Hexaconazole
30/3/20: Nature’s Touch Frozen Food Inc, Food Breaching Australian MRL’s. Pesticide: Taufluvalinate
17/3/20: Colombo Commodities (Sri Lanka). Breaching Australian MRL’s for Chana Dahl. Pesticide: Pirimiphos Methyl
6/3/20: Reanthong Agro Product Limited Partnership (Thailand) Australian MRL Breach. Pesticide: Carbendazim
2020/21: Ratin Khosh Co (Iran). Breached Australian MRL for Dried Strawberries and Raisans. Pesticide: Carbendazim
28/4/21: Two Wells (South Australia). Spray Drift
25/3/20: United Co. For Food Industry (Sae). Breaching Australian MRL for Frozen Okra. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
2/3/20: Ceres Fruit Juices Ltd (South Africa). Breaching Australian MRLs. Pesticide: Thiabendazole
2020: Kirsten Company Llc. Export Breaches Australian MRL’s. Pesticide: Acephate, Chlorpyrifos
31/1/20: Doehler Juice Solutions (USA). Breach to Australian MRL’s. Pesticide: Captan
2021 August: Spray Drift Investigations. Julia Creek (Queensland)
2020/22: Court penalty over Torquay pesticide incident. Chemical: Metham Sodium
June 2021: Bird Deaths – Galahs (Parkes, New South Wales). Pesticide: Bromadiolone
2021 Feb: Robinvale (Victoria) bird killing most likely deliberate. Pesticide: Methomyl
2021 Feb: Recycler Suez says herbicides in contaminated compost came from Melbourne council water. Pesticides: Dicamba, 2,4-D, MCPA, Triclopyr, Picloram
2021 February: Bee Deaths, Dalby (Queensland). Pesticide: Fipronil
2021 February: Toxic Compost (Reservoir, Victoria). Pesticides?
2020 October: Poisoned Eagles, Willurah Road, Conargo (NSW). Pesticide: ?
2021 January: Dead fish, yabbies, aquatic life (Cohuna, Vic). Pesticide: Acrolein
2019/20: Bundaberg WSA (Queensland). Hexazinone, 2,4-D
2019/23: Gin Gin Reservoir (Queensland). Pesticides: Hexazinone, 2,4-D, Dalapon, N-Buthylbenzenesulfonamide
2019/22: Gooburrum Reservoir (Queensland). Pesticide: Hexazinone, Dalapon, Tebuthiuron
2019/23: Lake Monduran Reservoir (Queensland). Pesticides: Hexazinone, 2,4-D, Dalapon
2020: Myponga Tiers Monitoring Station (South Australia). Pesticides: 2,4-D, Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate, Glyphosate, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl
2020 September: Bird Deaths Hampden Road Reserve, Lakemba (NSW)
2020: Dookie (Victoria) – Atrazine, Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2020: Euroa (Victoria) – Atrazine, Dalapon, Chloropicrin
2020 October: Contaminated Gibberellic Acid – Sunraysia Region (Victoria) – Clopyralid
2020 August: Geraldton (Western Australia). Pesticide: Ratsak/Brodifacoum
2020 June: Canola Crop Damage. Glenorchy (Victoria). Pesticide: Triasulfuron?
2020: Gwydir Wetlands (New South Wales). Spray Drift
2020: Deepwater (New South Wales). Spraydrift
2020 August: Boobook Owl Poisoning – Melbourne (Victoria). Pesticide: Brodifacoum
2020 July: Darlington Point (NSW) Spray Drift
2020 July: Bourke (NSW). Spray Drift
2020 July: Narrowmine (NSW). Spray Drift Impacting Peppercorns
2020 July: Warren (NSW). Spray Drift Impacting Peppercorns
2020 July: Trangie (NSW). Spray Drift Impacting Peppercorns
2020 June: Holey Plains State Park Spray Drift from Pine Plantation. Pesticides: Glyphosate?, Metsulfuron Methyl?
1/5/20: Senate Inquiry Cancer Cluster Bellarine Peninsula. Pesticide: Dieldrin?
2017/21: Zhanhua Kingman Food (China). Breaching Australian MRL’s for Red Dates/Jujube. Pesticides: Multiple
2018/21: Yantai Aofeng Foodstuff Co Ltd (China). Breach to Australian MRL. Pesticide: Profenofos, Procymidone, Cyhalothrin
2018/20: Vadilal Industries Limited (India). Breaches to Australian MRLs for Fenugreek leaves, Spinach Leaves, Hyacinth Bean, Chilli, Gourd, Hyacinth Leaves. Pesticides: Multiple
2018/20: Tanaya International Co Ltd (Thailand). Breaching Australian MRL for Longan. Pesticide: Carbendazim
2019/21: Sunshine International (Thailand). Breaching Australian MRL for Durian. Pesticide: Procymidone, Chlorpyrifos
2018/20: Shanghai Xushun Foodstuff Co Ltd (China). Breach of Australian MRL for Mushrooms. Pesticide: Paclobutrazol
2017/20: Shandong Sinofarm Food Co Ltd (China). Breached Australian MRL’s on Fresh Garlic Shoots. Pesticides: Carbendazim, Thiabendazole
2017/21: Saka Saka Company Limited (Vietnam). Breached Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Difenconazole, Permethrin, Acephate, Carbendazim, Difenocol,
2019/21: Labasa Farm Fresh (Fiji). Breached Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Acephate, Methamidophos
2018/20: Kaelen Phils Inc (Philippines). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticides: Profenofos, Chlorpyrifos
2019/21: Iprona Ag-Spa (Italy) Breached Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Fludioxonil, Tebuconazole, Carbendazim
2018/21: Innovative Cuisine (India). Multiple Australian pesticide MRL breaches on Guar Beans, Fenugreek Leaves, Green Chillies, Indian Flat Beans, Spinach, Gourd, Surti Beans
2018/21: Harihar Foods Pvt. Ltd (India). Breaching Australian MRL’s for Grapes and Raisins. Pesticide: Carbendazim, Propargite
2017/20: Guangdong Zhongshan Guzhen Lihua Farming Byproduct Factory (China). Breached Australian MRL for Exported Longan. Pesticides: Carbendazim, Chlorpyrifos, Cyhalothrin
2017/21: Global Gourmet Pvt Ltd (India). Multiple breaches Australian MRL’s for Okra and Spinach. Pesticides: Acephate, Chlorpyrifos, Monocrotophos, Cyhalothrin
2017/20: Givrex (Egypt). Exporting Cut Green Beans in Breach of Australian MRL. Pesticides: Carbendazim, Chlorpyrifos
2018/21: Gaomi Ruifeng Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL for Exported Spinach. Pesticide: Cyhalothrin, Carbendazim
1/3/18: Elbaraka Fruit for Import and Export (Egypt). Breaches of Australian MRL’s for Fresh Naval Oranges
2019/20: El Rawan Co for Import and Export (Egypt). Breached MRL for Oranges. Pesticide: Cyhalothrin
2018/21: Dt-Pro Co Ltd (Vietnam) Breaching Australian MRL for Lychees. Pesticide: Carbendazim, Cypermethrin
19/9/19: Bozhou Haomen Chinese Medicine Co Ltd exporting Chinese Dates above MRL’s. Pesticide: Cypermethrin
2019/21: Ays Mfg Co Ltd (Myanmar) exporting food to Australia breaching MRL’s. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin
2018/21: Aerath Business Corporation (India). Breaching MRL’s on Food Exports to Australia. Pesticides: Acephate, Methamidophos, Cypermethrin
2020 February: Senate Inquiry into Possible Bellarine Peninsula Cancer Cluster – Mosquito spraying?
2012-2023: Bell Water Supply (Queensland).
2018/21 – Hearnes Lake, Coffs Harbour (New South Wales) – Chlorpyrifos
2018/22 – Blackwood (Victoria). Pesticide: Simazine, Metolachlor, Benomyl
2013/23: Nebo Road Water Treatment Plant (Mackay, Queensland). Pesticides: Atrazine, Dinoseb, Diuron, Hexazinone, Metolachlor
2017/23: Marian Water Treatment Plant (Queensland). Pesticides: Atrazine, Dinoseb, Diuron, Hexazinone, Metolachlor
2018+2022/23: River Murray Renmark (South Australia). Pesticides: MCPA, Dicamba, Chloropicrin
2019/2010: 128 dead Wedge Tailed Eagles (Violet Town (Victoria)). Suspected Pesticide Luci-Jet (Fenthion)
2016/24: Glenelg Waste Water Treatment Plant (South Australia). Pesticides: Multiple
2016/22: Christies Beach Waste Water Treatment Plant (South Australia). Pesticide: MCPA, Triclopyr, 2,4-D
1995-2021: Innisfail Water Supply (Queensland). Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Fenthion Methyl, Fenthion, Diuron, Simazine, Imidacloprid
2016/23: Branyan Water Treatment Plant (Bundaberg-Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2014/23: River Park Reservoir (Queensland). Pesticides: Multiple
2014/23: Wallaville Reservoir (Wallaville, Queensland). Pesticides: Multiple
2013/23: Gregory River Reservoir (Childers/Woodgate, Qld). Pesticides: Atrazine, Diuron, Metolachlor, Hexazinone
2013/23: Kalkie Reservoir (Kalkie, Queensland). Pesticides: Multiple
2013/23: Vecellios Road Reservoir (Moore Park, Queensland). Pesticide: Multiple
2013/14 + 2021/23: Murdochs Road Reservoir (Moore Park, Qld). Pesticide: Atrazine, Imidacloprid
2013/23: Power Street WTP Reservoir (Bundaberg Qld).
2013/14 + 2020/23: Heaps Street Reservoir Bundaberg (Qld). Pesticide: Bromacil
2015/16+2021/23: Tieri Water Supply(Queensland).
2015/23: Rolleston Water Supply (Queensland).
2015/23: Emerald Water Supply (Queensland). Pesticides: Multiple
2015/23: Duaringa Water Supply (Queensland).
2015/23: Comet Water Supply (Queensland).
2015/16+2021/23: Capella Water Supply (Queensland).
2015/23: Blackwater Water Supply (Queensland).
2012/23: Miles Water Treatment Plant (Queensland)
2015/23: Warra Water Treatment Plant (Queensland).
2013/23: Jandowae Water Treatment Plant (Queensland)
2015/23: Condamine Water Treatment Plant (Qld).
2013/23: Chinchilla Water Treatment Plant (Qld).
2013/21: Mount Kelly Bores – Drinking Water (Queensland). Pesticide: Atrazine, Desethyl Atrazine, Desisopropyl Atrazine, Imazapic
2013/24: Giru/Cungulla Drinking Water (Queensland). Pesticides: Atrazine, Desethylatrazine, Hexazinone, Metolachlor, Diuron, Imidacloprid, Desisopropyl Atrazine
2009/24: Ayr/Brandon Drinking Water (Queensland): Atrazine, Metolachlor, DEET, Desethyl Atrazine, Imidacloprid
2015/23: Little Para River Water Treatment Plant Inlet. Pesticides: 2,4-D, MCPA, Triclopyr
2016 + 2021: Kilkenny (SA). Pesticide: Chloropicrin
2016 + 2020/22: Waikerie (SA). Pesticide: Chloropicrin, Heptachlor
2016 + 2021: Paringa (SA). Pesticide: Chloropicrin
2016 + 2021/22 Mt Pleasant (SA). Pesticide: Chloropicrin
2016+2023: Glossop (SA). Pesticide: Chloropicrin
2016 + 2021/23: Berri (SA) Hepworth Street. Pesticide: Chloropicrin
2016/2022. Tawonga. Pesticide: Terbufos
2011/2023: Pioneer River at Dumbleton Pump. Pesticides: Multiple
2011/2023: Baratta Creek at Northcote (Queensland). Pesticides: Multiple
2011 – 2023: Fitzroy River at Rockhampton. Pesticides: Multiple
2011/2023: Sandy Creek at Homebush (Qld). Pesticides: Ametryn, Atrazine, Diuron, Hexazinone
2011/23: Burdekin River at Home Hill Inkerman Bridge (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2011/2022: Herbert River Ingham (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2011-2023: Tully River at Euramo (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2013/23: Sugarloaf Reservoir Avoca Vic. Pesticides: 2,4,6-T, Dicamba, Atrazine, Benomyl, Simazine, 2,4-D, Metolachlor, Clopyralid
2012 November – 2022 November: White Swan Reservoir Ballarat. Pesticides: Cyprodinil, Simazine, MCPA, Atrazine, 2,4-D, Triclopyr
2011 – 2023: Myponga River Sample Pump. Pesticides detected: Triclopyr, MCPA, Omethoate, Dimethoate
2011 – 2023: Middle River, Kangaroo Island. Pesticides detected: MCPA, Triclopyr, Chlorosulfuron, Simazine
2011/2013 + 2019/2024: Kersbrook Creek. Pesticide detections: MCPA, Picloram, Triclopyr, Metsulfuron Methyl
2012 – 2024: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Inlet. Pesticides detected: MCPA
2011 – 2024: Gumeracha Weir 2.6km upstream. Pesticides detected: MCPA, Triclopyr, Dicamba, Chlorthal-Dimethyl, Chlorsulfuron, Metsulfuron Methyl, Picloram
1971 + 1988/89 + 2013/22: Wangaratta Drinking Water. Pesticides detected: Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Aldrin, Lindane, HCB, TDE, DDT, Triclopyr
2012 – 2023: Tullaroop Reservoir – Maryborough Water Supply. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Simazine, 2,4-D, Metalochlor, Benomyl, Fluometuron, Diuron
1998 – 2000 + 2022: Barossa Water Treatment Plant. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, Diazinon, MCPA.
1998 – 2024: Torrens River Gorge Weir (SA). Pesticides Detected: Endosulfan, Simazine, Triclopyr, Picloram, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl.
1999 + 2015 + 2022: Murray Bridge, Murray River. Pesticide detections: Hexazinone, Simazine, MCPA.
1999 – 2024: Little Para River Snake Gully Bridge (SA). Pesticides detected: Hexazinone, Simazine, Chlorthal-Dimethyl, MCPA, Triclopyr, Picloram, Metsulfuron Methyl.
1998 – 2023: Kangaroo Creek Reservoir (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Dieldrin, Triclopyr, MCPA, 2,4-D.
1998 May – 2022: Hope Valley Water Treatment Plant (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Atrazine, Chlordane, Dieldrin, Aldrin, Triclopyr, MCPA.
2001 – 2023: Clarendon Weir (SA). Pesticide detected: Simazine, MCPA, Triclopyr, 2,4-D
2010 – 2023: Bundaleer Reservoir (SA). Pesticide Detected: Simazine, Dicamba, MCPA, Atrazine, 2,4-D
1998 – 2022: Barossa Weir. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, Diazinon, Simazine, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl.
2007 – 2020: Baroota Reservoir (SA). Pesticide detected: Simazine, 2,4-D, MCPA, Metsulfuron Methyl, Dicamba.
1999 -2012 + 2023 September: Mannum (SA). Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone, Simazine, Chloropicrin
1998 – 2024 : Mount Bold Reservoir. Pesticide Detected: Dieldrin, Chlorthal Dimethyl, MCPA, 2,4-D.
1998 – 2001 + 5/6/22: Gumeracha Weir (SA). Pesticides detected: Simazine, Endosulphan, Heptachlor..
1998 – 2022: South Para Reservoir. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Hexazinone, MCPA, Triclopyr, Metsulfuron Methyl.
2001 November + 2014/23: Dalby Water Treatment Plant (Queensland).
2011 + 2017/2023: Burnett River Bundaberg (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2011/2023: Multiple Pesticides Detected in Comet Weir Queensland