2018/22: Dartmouth drinking water supply – Carbamate + Triazine Pesticides

Dartmouth Drinking Water Supply

2018/19: Phenoxy herbicides 0.02ug/L

2019/20: Phenoxy herbicides 0.03ug/L

2020/21: Phenoxy herbicides 0.11ug/L, Triazine and Triazineone Herbicides 0.03ug/L

2021/22: Carbamate Pesticides 0.01ug/L

Dartmouth Drinking Water Supply

2018/19: Phenoxy herbicides 0.02ug/L

2019/20: Phenoxy herbicides 0.03ug/L

2020/21: Phenoxy herbicides 0.11ug/L, Triazine and Triazineone Herbicides 0.03ug/L

2021/22: Carbamate Pesticides 0.01ug/L