Category: Fauna Impacts
5/10/24: Poisoned Cockatoos, Gymea Bay (NSW)
July 24 2024: New study finds alarming rise in persistent ‘forever chemicals in pesticides
April 2024: Pesticides in Australian (NSW) Frogs. Pesticides: Brodifacoum, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, DDE, MCPA, Fipronil Sulfone
4/3/24: Individual fined over Hazelbrook Creek Crayfish Kill. Pesticide: Bifenthrin
12/2/24: Scientist Warns Pesticides Harming Native Wildlife
7/7/23: Are Queenslanders Microdosing on Weedkillers in their Drinking Water?
8/11/23: An Impossible Dream. Sustainable Pesticide Management in Great Barrier Reef Catchments
16/10/23: Tasmanian Government Downplays Pesticide Monitoring
January 27 2024: Menindee Fish Kills. Pesticides: Several
7/1/24: Insect apocalypse: Call to restrict pesticide ‘more toxic than DDT’
2020: South Ballina (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Empire Vale 2/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Empire Vale 1/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: North Creek/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Fishery Creek/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticides in water and oysters
2020: Emigrant Creek/Richmond River (NSW). Pesticide in water and oysters
14/12/23: Cocktail of pesticides found in Richmond River, including chemical banned in 2006
2023 September: Crayfish Kill at Hazelbrook (NSW)
July 17 2023: No sign of Gouldian Finches in Ord Valley
Jan 1 2023: Chemical Romance or Toxic Relationship: what you need to know about EDC’s
27/12/22: Dead fish found in Channel in Sale.
2022 October: Peregrine Falcon Resurgence coming back from near Extinction
2/8/21: Hunan Duoying Agricultural Science Co Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Flusilazole
August 25 2022: 70 Flying Foxes Poisoned. Pesticide: Dieldrin
2021: Jayalanka Supplier (Sri Lanka). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: 2-Phenylphenol
2022 July: Why are pesticides banned overseas still used in Australia…?
March 2022: Rockingham (Western Australia). Poisoned Corellas. Pesticide: Fenthion
March 17 2022: Poisoned Corellas, Beeliar Oval, Perth WA. Pesticide: Fenthion
January 2022: Chemical concerns over mass bee kill (Sunraysia region, Victoria)
June 2021: Bird Deaths – Galahs (Parkes, New South Wales). Pesticide: Bromadiolone
2021 Feb: Robinvale (Victoria) bird killing most likely deliberate. Pesticide: Methomyl
2021 February: Bee Deaths, Dalby (Queensland). Pesticide: Fipronil
2020 October: Poisoned Eagles, Willurah Road, Conargo (NSW). Pesticide: ?
2021 January: Dead fish, yabbies, aquatic life (Cohuna, Vic). Pesticide: Acrolein
2020 September: Bird Deaths Hampden Road Reserve, Lakemba (NSW)
2020 August: Geraldton (Western Australia). Pesticide: Ratsak/Brodifacoum
2017/18? Southern Boobok Deaths – Perth environs (Western Australia). Pesticides: Warfarin, Difenacoum, Brodifacoum, Bromadiolone, Difethialone, Flocoumafen
2020 August: Boobook Owl Poisoning – Melbourne (Victoria). Pesticide: Brodifacoum
2018: Tully River (Queensland). Pesticide Shirtan (contains Mercury)
2018/21 – Hearnes Lake, Coffs Harbour (New South Wales) – Chlorpyrifos
2018 February: Concerns over Mosquito Spraying with Twilight ULV on Karumba Fishery (Queensland). Pesticide: Phenothrin, Piperonyl Butoxide
2019/2010: 128 dead Wedge Tailed Eagles (Violet Town (Victoria)). Suspected Pesticide Luci-Jet (Fenthion)
2016 March: Tens of Thousands of Dead Bees (Killarney Victoria). Pesticide: Fipronil
2018 April: Busselton Bee Deaths (Western Australia)
2012 June: Thousands of Bees Killed – Batemans Bay region (NSW)
2019 June: 10 million bees killed – Griffith (NSW). Pesticide: Fipronil
2017 March: Coffs Harbour Blueberry Spraying (NSW). Bees and Methomyl
2018 September: Alstonville Bee Deaths (New South Wales). Pesticide: Fipronil
2018 September: Katherine (Northern Territory). 1 Million Bees Poisoned. Pesticide: Fipronil
2016 September – Broken Hill Area 60 Dead Eagles (New South Wales) – Methomyl
2018 September: Tubbut (East Gippsland) – Farm Worker Jailed for Poisoning 406 Wedge-Tail Eagles. Pesticide: Methomyl
2018 April: Tatong (Victoria) – Victorian Protected Cockatoos Killed By Chemical. Pesticide: Omethoate
2018 April: Tests Reveal Poison Risk in Backyard Chook Pens. Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT, Aldrin
2018 March (Queensland) Pesticides Killing Prawn Larvae in Early Warning for $80m Industry. Pesticides: Bifenthrin, Fipronil, Imidacloprid,
2018 February: 50,000 Bees Poisoned (Paddington NSW)
2017 November: Magpies Poisoned (Coal Point NSW). Pesticides: Fenamiphos, Fenthion
1982 March – Marysville (Vic). Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
1982 March – Mansfield/Bright (Vic) – Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
1982 March – Corryong (Vic) – Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
1982 March – Orbost – Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
1982 March – Omeo (Vic) Chlordane Treated Eucalypt Seed
1982 March – Nowa Nowa Vic – Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
1982 March – Bruthen (Vic) Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
1982 March: Cann River (Vic) – Chlordane Treated Eucalyptus Seed
2017 July: Poisoned Birds Murrumbatemen (NSW). Pesticide: Omethoate
August 2017: Bird Deaths Linked to Common Insecticide that is Banned in Europe. Pesticide: Imidacloprid
2017 August: Five Sea Eagles Poisoned – Bairnsdale (Vic). Pesticide: DDE
2017 June: Fish and Eel Kill. Ipswich Qld. Pesticide: Bifenthrin
2006 April/May: Warmies Melbourne. Pesticides: p,p,DDE, p,p,DDD
2006 April/May: South Wharf Dockland. Pesticides p,p,DDE, p,p,DDD, Dieldrin
2006 April/May: Maribyrnong River Whitehall Impacts of Fauna. Pesticides:
2006 April/May: Pesticides in Fish etc Yarra River Herring Island. Pesticides: Multiple
2006 April/May: Pesticides in Fish etc Maribyrnong River (Armourments). Pesticides: Dieldrin, p,p,DDD, p,p,DDE, p,p,DDT, Endrin
2017 February: Darlington Point NSW – Beehive Loss due to Insecticide Drift from Cotton Farms
1992: Wandin (Vic) Dieldrin “Control Area”
1992: Koo Wee Rup (Vic) Dieldrin “Control Area”
1992: Thorpdale (Vic) Dieldrin “Control Area”
2016 September: Study Confirms Widespread Pesticide Pollution of Australian Waterways
2016 September: Birds poisoned at Budgewoi and Warnerville NSW. Pesticide: Fenitrothion
2012: 50 bird killed near Mudgee NSW. Pesticide: Mevinphos
2011: 52 Brolgas Poisoned in North Queensland
2014 August: Birds Deliberately Poisoned in Bingara
2016 November: Native Birds Poisoned at Bundaberg’s Botanic Garden: Pesticide: Fenthion
2014 June: Pesticides Suspected in NT Bee Deaths
2013 February: Darlington Point (NSW) Bee Deaths. Pesticides: Fipronil, Clothiandin
2016 July: Pesticide blamed for drop in frog numbers in Queensland
1994 April. Fish Kill Hogarth Rivulet (Tas). Pesticide: Pyrethrum
2010: Macquarie Island. Hundreds of Birds Killed. Pesticide: Brodifacoum
1997 March: Bribie Island Fish Kill. Pesticide. Chlorpyrifos
1996 December: Coombabah Creek (Qld) Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1996 October: Cooparoo Creek (Qld) Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1996 October: Kedron Brook Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1996 May: Norman Creek Brisbane Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1995 November/1997 June: Biggera Creek (Qld) Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1995 September: Loders Creek (Qld) Fish Kill. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos
1995 September: Norman Creek Brisbane (Qld) Fish Kill. Pesticide. Chlorpyrifos
1995 May: Loders Creek Gold Coast Qld Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1995 March: Carramundi Park Qld Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1995 January: Fish Kill Curramundi Park Sunshine Coast (Qld). Pesticide Chlorpyrifos
1995 January: Fish Kill Paradise Point Gold Coast (Qld). Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1998: Fish Kill Kedron Brook/Sandy Creek Qld. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1997 February: Fish Kill Southport Qld. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1996 January: Fish Kill Runaway Bay (Qld). Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
2015 May: Argenton NSW Dogs poisoned with Chlorpyrifos.
1970s – 1990’s: DDT and Dieldrin Impacts on Peregrine Falcons
2004 July. Georges Bay (Tas). Oysters and people impacted. Pesticide: Atrazine
2014 October: Yerrabi Pond (ACT) Dying Murray Cod. Suspected pesticides: Glyphosate, Simazine
1998-2009: Johnstone River Estuary Qld. Pesticides: DDE, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Chlorpyrifos, Lindane, DDT
1990’s: Johnstone River Qld: Faunal impacts. Pesticides: Atrazine, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T
1996 May: Cotton Insecticides Contaminates Calves. Pesticides: Chlorfluazuron, Endosulfan
1999 February: Australian Beef Rejected for Export. Pesticide: Endosulfan
1987 September: Australian Beef – US Pesticide Residue Violation. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1987 May: Export Meat to USA Pesticide Residue Violations. Pesticides: Dieldrin, Hepatchlor
2002 February: Pesticide Spill Prospect Creek. Pesticide: Methomyl
2015 January: Tingalpa Creek (Qld) Mosquito Spraying Brisbane. Pesticide: Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, Methoprene
2015 January: Tinchi Tamba (Qld) Brisbane City Council Mosquito Sprays 10,000ha+ during 2013/14. Pesticides: Bti Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, Methoprene
1987 October. 164 properties remain quarantined in Queensland. Pesticide: Dieldrin
2013 June: Pesticides Damaging River Life
2015 November: Redcliffe (Qld) Toxic Flea Powder. Pesticide: Pyrethrin
2015 August: Man Fined for Pesticide Misuse (animal baiting). Pesticide: Fenthion
1979: North Heads Sydney. Pesticides and Heavy Metals detected in ocean fish. Pesticides:
1973: Malabar (NSW) Pesticides and Heavy Metals detected in fish. Pesticide: Dieldrin
2008 October: Premer (NSW) Neonicotinoids suspected in Bee Problems
2014 February: Pottsville (NSW) Loss of Beehives. Pesticides Suspected.
2014 February: Murwillumbah (Qld). Bee Hives Destroyed. Pesticides Suspected.
1994 – 1997: ICI compensates graziers hundreds of $millions. Pesticide: Chlorfluazuron
2015 June: DDT found in central queensland Dolphins
2006: Burnett River (Qld). Mud Crabs. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Fitzroy River (Qld). Mud Crabs. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Pioneer River (Qld). Mud Crabs. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
2006: Barron River (Qld) Mud Crabs: Pesticides DDT, Dieldrin
2014 August: Bingara (NSW) Dead Birds. Pesticide: Fenthion
2011 June: Cleveland (Qld). Bird Kill. Pesticide: Fenthion
1999 May – August: Bird deaths Collinsville (Qld). Pesticide: Fenthion
2009 May: Henderson (WA) Hundreds of dead birds. Pesticide: Fenthion
1976 June: Hawkesdale? (Vic). Birds poisoned. Pesticide: Fenthion
1976 September: Phillip Island. Concerns about thin penguin shells. Pesticide: DDT
1976 May: Beeac (Vic). Reports of dead ducks and loss of brolgas. Pesticide: Fenthion
1980 July: Fell Gully (Vic) Spraying of Acacia and impact on birds.
1980 September: Goroke (Vic). Large number of birds found dead in paddock. Pesticide: Fenthion
1982 July: Smithfield (SA). A large number of dead pigeons, birds of prey.
1982 July: Wrattonbully (SA). Flock of dead ducks. Pesticide Suspected: Fenthion
1982 August: McDonald Park/Angle Vale (SA). Hundreds of dead pigeons. Pesticide: Fenthion
1983 March: Coonabarabran (NSW) White Browed Woodswallows impacted by locust spraying.
1982 December: Mt Spion Kopje (Vic). Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1979 December: Bogong Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1974 November: Erica (Vic) Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1974 November: Carters Creek Neerim (Vic). Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion.
1974 November: New Turkey (Upper Yarra). Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1970 November: Kiewa (Vic). Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1968 February – 1968 November: Dowey’s Spur (Vic) Phasmatid Spraying. Pesticide: Malathion
1968 January – 1973 February: Brittania Creek (Vic) Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1966 February: Ada River Headwaters Phasmatid Control. Pesticide: Malathion
1961 January: Nariel (Vic) Forests Commission aerial spraying Phasmatids. Pesticide: DDT
1982: Lake Bullen Merri (Vic) Fish Kills. Pesticide 2,4-D.
1983: Timbarra River (Vic). Lower fish numbers. Pesticide: 2,4-D?
1983 January: Dairy Plains River (Tas) Fish Kill. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1982 December: Mersey River Tasmania Fish Kill. Pesticide: Mancozeb.
1983 January: Callide Creek Biloela (Qld). Fish Kill. Pesticide: Endosulfan.
1983 January: Maryborough Golf Club Fish Kill. Pesticide: Paraquat
1982 December: Mungindi (Qld) Large Fish Kill. Pesticide: Endosulfan
1983 February: Norman Creek (Qld) Fish Kill. Pesticide: Endrin
1976 July: Concerns about spraying in Albert River catchment (Vic)
1979 January: Concerns about spraying Tarra River (Vic). Pesticide: Amitrole.
1966 December: Rosebud Foreshore (Vic). Ground spraying for Mosquitos
1962 April: Merbein (Vic). Proposal to aerial spray to control Fruit Fly. Pesticides: DDT or Malathion
1965 October: Yarram Caravan Park Aerial Spraying. Pesticides: DDT, Malathion
1965 October: Aerial Spraying Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board farming area. Pesticides: DDT, Malathion
1965: Maffra. The use of Dinoseb on pea crops. Related to Pentachlorphenol which killed people in Queensland pineapple and sugarcane crops
1964 December – 1969 December: Seaspray Foreshore. Pesticides: Malathion, Fenthion, DDT, Dieldrin
1967 – 1969 December: Eagle Point Paynesville (Vic). Aerial Spraying: Pesticide: Fenthion, Malathion, DDT
1993: North Ocean Shores (NSW). Wildlife killed. Pesticides: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D
2010’s?: Gin Gin (NSW). Bee Deaths Unspecified Neonicotinoids Suspected: Other Pesticides: Fipronil, Phenyl Pyrazole
2010’s?: Warren (NSW). Bee Losses Unspecified Neonicotinoids Suspected. Other Pesticides: Fipronil, Pyrazole
1990: Hamilton (Vic). Eastern Barred Bandicoot. Dieldrin Residues.
1988: Horsham (Vic) Wimmera River. Pesticide: DDT
1977: Panton Hill (Vic). DDT and Dieldrin residues in Kookaburras.
1977: Brunswick (Vic): DDT and Dieldrin contamination of Kookaburras.
1986 October: Pimpinio (Vic). Dead yabbies in water storage. Pesticide: Fenvalerate.
1974 August: Pine Creek (SA). Pesticides in Trench: HCB, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, DDE
1974 July: Coffin Bay (SA). Pesticides in Spotted Whiting. Lindane, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, DDE
1975 February: Renmark (SA). Pesticides in Murray Cod, Redfin, Callop.
1975 February: Loxton (SA). Pesticides in Murray Cod: HCB, Lindane, Dieldrin, DDE, DDD, DDT
1975 January: Cowell (SA). Pesticides in Snapper. HCB, Lindane, Dieldrin, DDE, DDT
1974 August – October: Whyalla (SA). Pesticides in Snapper, Garfish, Spotted Whiting
1974 October: Bluff Beach (SA). Pesticides in Snook: Lindane, Dieldrin, DDE
1974 April – 1975 February: Gurra Lakes (SA). Pesticides in Bream, Callop, Redfin, Catfish
1974 March: Tickera (SA) Pesticides in Whiting: HCB, Lindane, Dieldrin, DDT
2005: Balmoral (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Clifton Gardens (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Fort Denison (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Drummoyne (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Breakfast Point (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
2005: Silverwater (NSW). Dioxins in Bream
1990’s: Sales Rivulet (Tas). Pesticide: Cypermethrin
1989 – 1991: Guildford (Tas) approx. Pesticide Cypermethrin, Alpha-Cypermethrin
1969: North Stradbroke Island (Qld). Australia’s first aerial spraying of mosquitos.
2005 December: Port Jackson Bream Dioxin Results (NSW)
1984 July – 1987 January: Cox Creek (SA). Pesticides: Multiple
1995: Macquarie Marshes (NSW). Ibis nestlings deaths. Pesticide: Chlorpyrifos
1990: Wallace Lake (NSW). Chlorpyrifos residues in eggs.
1988: Gwydir River (NSW). Catfish residues. Pesticide: Endosulfan
1967 August: Black Rock (Vic). Anecdotes from a Bird Observer. Pesticide: Dieldin
1974 June: Korumburra (Vic). Milk Residues. Pesticide: DDE
1974 June: Dumbalk (Vic). Milk residue. Pesticide: Lindane
1974: Glen Iris (Vic). Milk residues. Pesticides: Lindane, DDE
1974 Werribee South (Vic). Milk residues. Dieldrin exceeding Health Guidelines
1974 August – 1975 June: Wallace (Vic) Milk Residues. Pesticides: DDE, TDE, DDT, HCB, Lindane
1974 August – 1975 June: Stanhope (Vic). Milk residues: Pesticides: DDE, HCB, Lindane, TDE, Dieldrin
1974 August – 1975 July: PDC Werribee (Vic). Milk Residues. Pesticides. Excessive Dieldrin levels
1974 August – 1975 July: Traralgon (Vic). Milk Residues. Pesticides: Lindane, DDE, HCB
1974 June – 1975 September + 2014 April: Camperdown (Vic) Milk Residues. Pesticides: HCB, DDE, Lindane, Triclopyr (water)
1974 June – 1975 September: Colac (Vic) Milk detections. Pesticides: HCB, DDE, Lindane
1975 September – 1974 June: Warrnambool (Vic) Milk residues. Pesticides: Lindane over guideline limits
1974 August – 1975 December: Shepparton (Vic) Milk residues. Pesticides: DDE, Lindane, DDT, Dieldrin, HCB,
1974 August – 1975 December: Moe (Vic) Milk detections. Pesticides: Lindane, DDE, TDE, DDT, HCB
1974 August – 1975 November: Leongatha (Vic) Milk residues. Pesticides: DDE, Dieldrin, TDE, DDT, HCB, Lindane, BHC, Carbophenothion
1974 June – 1976 January: Strathmerton (Vic) Milk residues. Pesticides: DDE, HCB, Lindane,
1974 June – 1976 January: Dennington (Vic). Milk residues. Pesticides: DDE, TDE, DDT, Dieldrin, HCB, Lindane
1974 September – 1976 January + 2011 November: Cobden (Vic). Milk Residues: Pesticides: DDE, HCB, Lindane
1974 June – 1976 January: Cobram (Vic). Milk residues. Pesticides: HCB, Lindane, DDE, TDE, DDT
1974 June – 1976 January: Drouin (Vic) Milk Detections. Pesticides: DDE, HCB, Lindane
1974 June – 1976 January: Bacchus Marsh (Vic) Milk residues. Pesticides: DDE, Lindane, HCB, Dieldrin
1974 June – 1976 January: Kiewa (Vic). Milk detections. Pesticide: DDE
1974 August – 1976 February: Tatura (Vic). Milk detections. Pesticides: DDE, Dieldrin, HCB, Lindane,
1975 June – 1976 February: Maffra (Vic) Milk detections. Pesticides: DDE, Lindane, Dieldrin
1974 August – 1976 February: Longwarry (Vic) Milk detections. Pesticides: DDE, TDE, HCB, Lindane, Dieldrin
1976 January: Dandenong Milk Factory. Pesticide: Dieldrin
1974 September – 1976 February: Warragul (Vic) Milk detections. Pesticides: DDE, TDE, Dieldrin, HCB, Lindane
1974 June – 1976 January: Toora (Vic) Milk Residues. Pesticides: DDE, TDE, DDT, Chlordane
1974 September – 1976 January: Darnum (Vic). Milk Residues. Pesticides: DDE, Dieldrin, HCB, Lindane, BHC
1974 August – 1976 January: Poowong (Vic). Milk residues. Pesticides: HCB, DDE, Lindane, Dieldrin
1953 January: Irrigation Weed Poisoning. Pesticide
1976 January: Vervale milk contaminated: Pesticide: Endrin.
1982 January: Fish Kill East Goulburn Channel (Vic). Pesticide: Endosulfan.
1975: Shepparton Tomato Overspray Fish Kill. Pesticides: Zineb, Endosulfan
1961 – 1966: Ovens River, Myrtleford. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Ovens River, Ovens. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Morses Creek (Vic). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Barwidgee Creek (Vic). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Dandongadale River (Vic). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Whitlands (Vic) Boggy Creek. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: King Valley (King River). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Upper Edi (Vic). King River Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Whitfield (Vic). King River Fisk Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Whitfield (Vic). King River Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Whitfield (Vic). King River Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 -1966: Whitfield (Vic). King River. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 – 1966: Cheshunt (Vic). Stony Creek. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Cheshunt (Vic) Stony Creek. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961 -1966: King River near Cheshunt (Vic). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Fifteen Mile Creek (Vic). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Yarrarbulla Creek, (Vic). Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area.
1961 – 1966: Merriang South (Vic) Fish Kill – Buffalo River
1961 – 1966: Merriang South (Vic) Buffalo River. Fish Kill due to aerial spraying.
1961 – 1966: Gapsted Ovens River. Fish Kill. Tobacco Growing Area
1961-1966: Fish Kill Ovens River. Tobacco Growing Area.
1966: Whitfield and surrounds (Vic). Fish Kills
1965 February: Myrtleford Region – Ovens River. Spray drift, water pollution.
1960’s: King River (Vic). Fish Kills from aerial spraying.
1960 December + 1963: Myrtle Creek Myrtleford Fish Kill. Pesticide: DDT
1961 January: Yellow Creek (Vic) Fish Kill.
1984 February: Boort area (Vic) Fish Kill. Pesticide: Fenvalerate
2015 February: Nerrina State Forest (Vic). Health concerns about recent spraying on bush tracks
1988 December – 1989 January: Mungindi Cotton grower fined massive fish kill.
1995: Taggerty River (Vic) Trout Eradication. Pesticide: Rotenone
1994-95: Upper Goulburn River (Vic) Trout Removal. Pesticide: Rotenone
1992 March: Lees Creek (ACT) Trout Eradication. Pesticide: Rotentone
1993: Meander River Catchment (Tas). Pesticide: Cypermethtrin
2006: Ord River (WA) Crocodile Meat: DDT, DDE
1986 – 1995: Householders for Safe Pesticide Use. Pesticides: Hepatchlor.
1964 – 1974: Ord River Region. Pesticides: DDT, DDE, Toxaphene
1950’s – 1982: Herdsman Lake (WA). Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT, Chlorpyrifos, Heptachlor, Chlordane
1980 – 1981: Collie River (WA). Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
1964 – 1978: Ord River Pesticide Residues. Organophosphates, Organochlorines.
1988: Wilson’s Inlet – Fish Species Pesticide Residues. Pesticide detected: Chlorpyrifos
2014 May: Pesticides Wipe Out Beehives/Warren Boggabri/Gin Gin
1983: Karratha – Pesticide residue in birds. Pesticide: Dieldrin
1970’s: Lake Argyle residue levels in birds. Pesticide: DDT
1982: Lake Neerabup. Stock poisoning. Pesticide: Heptachlor
1984: Lake Forrestdale (WA). Bird Kill. Pesticide: Temephos
1972: Barmera. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Adelaide Hills. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Lower Murray. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Adelaide. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Naracoorte. Pesticide Residues in Fauna. DDT
1972: Darwin River. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Hamilton Downs. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Tanami. Pesticide residues in fauna. DDT
1972: Eridunda. Pesticide residues in Fauna. DDT
1972: Marraki – DDT residues in Fauna.
1972: Alice Springs. Pesticide residues in fauna.
1972: Mudginberri. DDT residues in fauna
1980’s: Woolgoolga. Cattle Deformities
1980’s: Exeter Tip: Pesticide detected: Dieldrin.
1970 April – 1970 July: Caboolture River. Pesticides: DDE, DDT
1970 April – 1970 October: Pine Rivers/Hayles Inlet. Pesticides: DDE, DDD, DDT
1970 April – 1970 October: Cabbage Tree Creek Sandgate. Pesticides detected: DDE, DDD, DDT
1970 April – 1970 October: Brisbane River Lytton. Pesticides: DDE, DDD, DDT
1970 April – 1970 October: Moogoorapum Creek Redland Bay. Pesticides: DDE, DDD, DDT
1970 April – 1970 October: DDT residues Logan River. Pesticides: DDE, DDT
1970 April – 1970 October: Coomera River – residues in Oysters. Pesticides: DDE, DDD, DDT
1972 February: Mareeba District reduction of birdlife. Pesticide: DDT
1990: Clarence River NSW: OC residues in wildlife: Dieldrin, DDT
1980 – 1992: Mungindi NSW. Multiple pesticides + Parathion Methyl
1996 January: Moree Cattle Contamination. Pesticide detected: Chlorflurazuron, Endosulfan
1997 March: OP Pesticide Spill Morwell
1997 July: Sydney Tawny Frogmouths Poisoned: OC pesticides
2000 June: Gosford Council Fined. Pesticide: Diazinon
2000 October: Gippsland Lakes Mosquito Spray Plan: Pesticide of Concern: Temephos
2004 September: Rotenone to be used to Kill Trout
2006 January: Bird Deaths Blackall’s Park
1960’s – 1990’s: Northern Flinders Ranges: Dieldrin
1956: Gulf of St Vincent. Mass Crayfish deaths
1993 April: Liverpool Golf Club (Lansvale). Herbicides kill 70 native ducks
2002 February: Prospect Creek Sydney. Pesticide spill, fish kill
2001 June: Wau Avenue Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Dieldrin, DDE
2001 June: Lae Drive Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Dieldrin, DDE, trans-Chlordane
2001 June: Columbus Drive Gold Coast. Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Bifenthrin, Dieldrin, DDE, trans Chlordane, cis Chlordane, trans nonachlor
2001 June: Paradise Point – Gold Coast (Qld). Pesticides detected: Chlorpyrifos, Dieldrin, DDE
1966 – 1971: King River Fish Kills.
1965 December: Yarrabula Creek Fish Kill.
1965: Wandiligong fish Kill. Pesticides detected: Endrin, DDT
1982 – 1983: Wandin Yallock Creek. Pesticides detected: TDE, DDE, DDT, Dieldrin, 2,4,5-T.
1986 November: Rainbow (Vic). Pesticides: Fenvalerate.
1981: Hopetoun (Vic). Pesticides Endosulfan, DDT.
1982 January: East Goulburn Channel 12 Fish Kill. Pesticide detected: Endosulfan
1967 March: Snob’s Creek Fish Hatchery
2001 February: Loders Creek Southport (Qld). Pesticide detected: Chlorpyrifos.
2001 January: Fish Kill Gold Coast. Pesticide detected: Chlorpyrifos.
1960 – 2015: Gunnamatta Outfall Melbourne Water
1996: Geelong Arm Port Phillip Bay – CSIRO Port Phillip Bay Environment Study 1996 – Pesticide: Dieldrin
1996: CSIRO Port Phillip Bay Environment Study – Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT.
1985 January: Harcourt Fish Kill. Pesticide: Xylaquat contaminated with Dioxins.
1985 January: Fish Kills at Boort. Pesticides Suspected: Endosulfan.
1971 February: Loddon Weir. Fish Kill. Pesticide detected: Acrolein.
1994 April: Pyrethrum Spill Tonganah (Tas).
2005 February: George River (Tas) Oyster Deaths: Suspected Pesticides: Atrazine, Alpha-Cypermethrin.
2015 January: Feminsation of Male Fish Queensland – Herbert River
2015 January: Feminisation of Male Fish Queensland – Haughton River
2015 January: Feminisation of Male Fish Queensland – Tully.
1970: Milk Contamination, Witchcliffe WA). Pesticide: Dieldrin
1966 June-July: Wanneroo (WA) Milk Contamination: Pesticide: Dieldrin.
1988 March: King Lake Farms Quaratined. Pesticide: Dieldrin.
1988 March: Bellarine Peninsula Farms Quarantined. Pesticide: Dieldrin.
1988 March: Dieldrin contamination at MMBW farm Werribee.
1987-1988: The Dieldrin Contamination Issue: Gembrook (Vic)
1963: Heytsbury (Vic) Pollution Incident – Telodrin
1992: Cox’s Creek South Australia. DDT and Chironomid Deformities
1994 Feb: Port Phillip Bay Flathead contaminated with pesticides
1997 November: Pesticide spill Perth Belmont Race Course
2003 January: St George Cattle Quarantine. Pesticide: Endosulfan.
2001: Warringah Golf Course 10,000 Dead Fish (Chemical: Azinphos Methyl)
2009 May: EPA Lower Yarra Fish Study. Pesticide: DDT.
2009 November: Bunbury Dolphin Deaths
2009 November: Pesticides Suspected in Dolphin Deaths. Pesticide: Dieldrin.
2008: Noosa Two Headed Fish Controversy and Carbendazim
1991: Endosulfan detected in Millie Creek
1991/2: Fish Kills due to Endosulfan – Gwydir River
1984 – 1992: Fish Kills due to Endosulfan Gil Gil Creek, Galloway
2012 March: 20 hectares of Kosciuszko National Park sprayed by Trans Grid
2012 July: Bifenthrin pollution Wentworth Falls NSW. Thousands of dead crayfish.
2013: Mount Barker Spray Drift Case Settled out of court
2013: DDT deforms Chironomid mouthparts
2014 March: 700 birds killed near Dubbo Wildlife Reserve. Pesticide: Fenthion.
2008 September: Bee Deaths Yarra Valley. Pesticide: Clothiandin.
2014 December: Cairns fish kill likely caused by pesticides.