
Aerial Spraying in Fruit Fly Area, Merbein


The Chairman said the Department of Agriculture was anxious to carry out aerial spraying with either Malathion or DDT over and around the township of Merbein, which had a reticulated water supply.

The Chief Industrial Hygiene Officer believed that aerial spraying with these substances was carried out in America and he was satisfied that the health hazard would be minimal.

Before carrying out any such spraying the Department of Agriculture would write to the Health Department officially.

The Honourable the Minister has asked the Chairman to obtain the Commission’s view on the proposal

It was resolved that the Honourable the Minister be informed that the Commission is of the opinion that provided suitable precautions are observed there is no risk of endangering human health by aerial spraying with DDT in areas at present infested with fruit fly.

1962 April: Merbein (Vic). Proposal to aerial spray to control Fruit Fly. Pesticides: DDT or Malathion


Aerial Spraying in Fruit Fly Area, Merbein


The Chairman said the Department of Agriculture was anxious to carry out aerial spraying with either Malathion or DDT over and around the township of Merbein, which had a reticulated water supply.

The Chief Industrial Hygiene Officer believed that aerial spraying with these substances was carried out in America and he was satisfied that the health hazard would be minimal.

Before carrying out any such spraying the Department of Agriculture would write to the Health Department officially.

The Honourable the Minister has asked the Chairman to obtain the Commission’s view on the proposal

It was resolved that the Honourable the Minister be informed that the Commission is of the opinion that provided suitable precautions are observed there is no risk of endangering human health by aerial spraying with DDT in areas at present infested with fruit fly.