p 13 “Several beekeepers working river gum sites on the Macquarie River at Warren and Gin Gin suffered severe bee losses due to cotton spray ‘drift’ on to hives. The cotton crops are seed treated with a neonicotinoid at planting which is highly systemic. The cotton plants were then sprayed with Fipronil and Phenyl pyrazole which are also highly systemic. I suspect that there was a high probability that the two chemicals have combined within the cotton plants to provide a perfect storm for a major loss of bees to all the beekeepers involved. The EPA and APVMA need to start somewhere with independent evaluation”

The Senate
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
References Committee
Future of the beekeeping and pollination service industries in Australia July 2014

2010’s?: Warren (NSW). Bee Losses Unspecified Neonicotinoids Suspected. Other Pesticides: Fipronil, Pyrazole

p 13 “Several beekeepers working river gum sites on the Macquarie River at Warren and Gin Gin suffered severe bee losses due to cotton spray ‘drift’ on to hives. The cotton crops are seed treated with a neonicotinoid at planting which is highly systemic. The cotton plants were then sprayed with Fipronil and Phenyl pyrazole which are also highly systemic. I suspect that there was a high probability that the two chemicals have combined within the cotton plants to provide a perfect storm for a major loss of bees to all the beekeepers involved. The EPA and APVMA need to start somewhere with independent evaluation”

The Senate
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
References Committee
Future of the beekeeping and pollination service industries in Australia July 2014