1982 January: East Goulburn Channel 12 Fish Kill. Pesticide detected: Endosulfan

5 January 1982: Fish kill reported in Drain No. 4 Shepparton. Drain 4 is part of the irrigation system in that it discharges into the East Goulburn Channel 12 which is also a source of domestic supply…A large number of redfin and carp were dead in the Number 4 drain and along East Goulburn Channel 12…numbered well over 200 individuals over 2 to 3 kilometres of the watercourse… A tomato crop on CA34 … was sprayed some 4 days prior to this investigation by Field Air (Benalla) Pty Ltd … with Thiodan (Endosulfan) and Copper Cocide…the indications point to an overspray with Thiodan (Endosulfan) and Copper Cocide…”
