Location: Western Australia
October 28 2024: Australia’s top neurologists call for chemical regulators to ban paraquat
July 25 2024: Major class action thrown out as Federal Court finds insufficient evidence to prove weedkiller Roundup causes cancer
7/1/24: Insect apocalypse: Call to restrict pesticide ‘more toxic than DDT’
July 17 2023: No sign of Gouldian Finches in Ord Valley
Jan 1 2023: Chemical Romance or Toxic Relationship: what you need to know about EDC’s
March 2022: Rockingham (Western Australia). Poisoned Corellas. Pesticide: Fenthion
March 17 2022: Poisoned Corellas, Beeliar Oval, Perth WA. Pesticide: Fenthion
2021 August/September: Overwatch moves outside boundary: Pesticide: Bixlozone
9/7/21: Moisture blamed on Overwatch volatility. Pesticide: Bixlozone
2020 August: Geraldton (Western Australia). Pesticide: Ratsak/Brodifacoum
2017/18? Southern Boobok Deaths – Perth environs (Western Australia). Pesticides: Warfarin, Difenacoum, Brodifacoum, Bromadiolone, Difethialone, Flocoumafen
2018 April: Busselton Bee Deaths (Western Australia)
2009/10: Broome (Western Australia) Pesticide: ?
2018 August: Potential Legal Action (Western Australia). Pesticide: Glyphosate
2018 June: Derby Region (Western Australia). Pesticides: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D
2016 August: Pesticide Residues (Western Australia). Pesticides: Glyphosate, Imidacloprid, Haloxyfop, Flutriafol, Imazapic, Imazapyr
2017 August – Accensi Pty Ltd Chemical Company Fined $100,000
2016 September: Crop Duster Crash, north of Esperance (Western Australia)
2018 April: Tests Reveal Poison Risk in Backyard Chook Pens. Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT, Aldrin
2013 September: Wannamai to Geraldton Sick Trees (Western Australia). Pesticide: Metribuzin
2010 December: Urgent Action Needed on Dioxins: Pesticides: Multiple
2016 September: Study Confirms Widespread Pesticide Pollution of Australian Waterways
2016 October: Pesticide Contamination of Breast Milk, down 42 fold since 1970. Pesticides: Persistent Organic Pollutants
1995 May: Jandalot Mound (WA). Pesticides: Glyphosate, Metribuzin, Metoxuron
2016 June: Aerial Spraying Complaint WA. Pesticide: Glyphosate, Metsulfuron Methyl
2015 July: Pesticides in WA Fresh Produce Too High
1997-2001: Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale (WA) Landfill. Pesticides: Dieldrin, Chlorpyrifos
2015 April: Ascot (WA) Pesticide Truck Rollover
2012 April: Southern Farming Belt (WA) Spray Drift – 18 Cases in One Season.
2015 April. Fire at Northampton Hardware Store (WA)
2009 May: Henderson (WA) Hundreds of dead birds. Pesticide: Fenthion
2002: Dwellingup State Forest. Removal of 25 pesticide drums. Pesticide: 2,4,5-T
1960’s: Mullewa – Geraldton Trainline. Flower death through spray drift.
1960’s: Yandanooka – Three Springs Rail Line (WA). Spraydrift killed off Flowers
1970: Utakarra (WA). Leaking Drum Kills Tomato Crops. Pesticide: 2,4-D Ester
1970: Waggrakine (WA). Peacrop destroyed by Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D
1970: Dongara Area. Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D Ester
1978 October: Geraldton (WA) Minister Hunt calls for a ban on 2,4-D Ester due to damage to Tomato Industry.
1978 October; Glenfield (WA). Tomato crop damage due to 2,4-D Ester Spray Drift.
1978 October: Narngula (WA). Tomato Crop damage: Spray drift 2,4-D Ester.
1978 October. Abrolhos Islands (WA) Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D
1964: Geraldton (WA). Spray drift losses to tomatoes. Pesticide: 2,4-D
2012 March: Porongurup Vineyard Spray Drift. Pesticide: 2,4-D
1989 July: Collie River (WA). Pesticides: Atrazine, Hexazinone.
1989 July: Balingup Brook (WA). Pesticides: Hexazinone, Atrazine
1989 July – 1989 August: Maidments site (Blackwood River) WA. Pesticides: Atrazine, Hexazinone.
1989 August: Blackwood River (WA). South of Nannup. Pesticide: Hexazinone
1999 June: Bassendean (WA) Pesticide spill: Pesticide: Trifluralin
2006 September – 2007 August: Bull Creek (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2007 August: Corfield Street, Southern River, WA. Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2007 May: Mills Street Compensating Basin, Welshpool (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2007 August. Liege Street Wetland (WA). Pesticides: Multiple.
2006 September – 2007 August: Belmont South (WA). Pesticides: Multiple.
2006 September – 2007 August: Perth Airport Main Drain. Pesticides: Multiple
2007 January – 2007 August: Helena River (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2006 September – 2006 October: Ellen Brook, Henley Brook (WA). Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Metolachlor, Diuron, Simazine, Atrazine
2006 October – August 2007: Bennett Brook, Caversham (WA). Pesticides Multiple
2006 September – 2007 August: Bayswater Main Drain (WA). Pesticides: Multiple
2011 March: Bayswater (WA). Truck Pesticide Spill
2010 September: Chapman Valley (WA) Crop Duster Accident
2009 October: Wickepin (WA) Crop Dusting Accident
2009 November: Kojonup (WA) Pilot Killed in Crop Duster Crash
2013 October: Crop Duster Crash Hyden Western Australia
1960’s – 1980’s: Christmas Creek Station Spray Workers. Pesticides: 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T
1960’s – 1980’s: Fitzroy River Weed Sprayers Exposed: Pesticides: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D
1960’s – 1980’s: Spray Workers Ord River Exposed: Pesticides 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T
1960’s: Kununurra (WA) Cattle Contaminated with DDT used in Cotton Crops
1984: Spraydrift damage Merredin (WA). Pesticides: Paraquat, Diquat, 2,4-D, Glyphosate
2006: Ord River (WA) Crocodile Meat: DDT, DDE
1986 – 1995: Householders for Safe Pesticide Use. Pesticides: Hepatchlor.
1964 – 1974: Ord River Region. Pesticides: DDT, DDE, Toxaphene
1980’s: Lake Goolellal (WA). Pesticides: Chlordane
1950’s – 1982: Herdsman Lake (WA). Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT, Chlorpyrifos, Heptachlor, Chlordane
1985 December – 1986 May: Preston River (WA). Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT, Heptachlor, Chlordane
1980 – 1981: Collie River (WA). Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin
1980 – 1981: Preston River (WA). Pesticides detected: Dieldrin, DDT, Aldrin and Heptachlor
1974 May – 1985 March: Fremantle Traffic Bridge. Pesticides detected: Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Lindane
1974 May – 1985 March: Swan River Causeway. Pesticides detected: Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Lindane, Heptachlor
1980 – 1981: Swan River. Pesticides detected: DDT
1980 – 1981: Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club. Pesticides: DDT and Dieldrin
1980-1981: Chidley Point (WA). Pesticide detected: DDT
1980-1981: Jane Brook (WA). Pesticide detected: DDT
1970’s – 1980’s: Kwinana Groundwater. Pesticides: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D
1979: Gnangara Liquid Waste. Pesticide detected: DDT
1980’s: Preston River (WA). Pesticides detected: Dieldrin, DDT
1980’s: Lefroy Brook (WA). Pesticide residues: Dieldrin, DDT, Heptachlor
1974 – 1988: Perth Groundwater Contamination. Pesticides: DDT, Dieldrin, Chlordane, Heptachlor
1964 – 1978: Ord River Pesticide Residues. Organophosphates, Organochlorines.
1988: Wilson’s Inlet – Fish Species Pesticide Residues. Pesticide detected: Chlorpyrifos
1987: Scott River. Organochlorines
1987: Robinson River. Organochlorines
1987: King River. Organochlorines
1987: Serpentine River. Organochlorines
1987: Carbunup River. Organochlorines
1987: Harvey River. Organochlorines
1987: Sleeman River. Pesticide detected: Dieldrin
1987: Hay River. Organochlorines
1987: Denmark River. Pesticide detected: Dieldrin, Chlordane
1987: Blackwood River (upper). Pesticides detected: Heptachlor, Chlordane
1987: Blackwood River (Mouth). Pesticide detected: DDT
1980 – 1981: Waters off Rottnest Island. Pesticides detected: Dieldrin, DDT
1970’s: Cockburn Sound – Owen Anchorage. Pesticides detected: Dieldrin, Dichlorvos
1983: Karratha – Pesticide residue in birds. Pesticide: Dieldrin
1970’s: Lake Argyle residue levels in birds. Pesticide: DDT
1980’s: Brunswick River Blackberry Spraying. Pesticide detected: Triclopyr.
1986: Burswood Island groundwater. Pesticide detected: Heptachlor.
1982: Lake Neerabup. Stock poisoning. Pesticide: Heptachlor
1979 – 1982: Geraldton Spray Drift. Pesticide of concern: 2,4-D
1984: Lake Forrestdale (WA). Bird Kill. Pesticide: Temephos
1980 – 1986: Carnarvon Birth Defects
1980s: Perth. Death of Child. Pesticides Suspected: Atrazine, Amitrole
1980’s: Perth. Pesticide of concern: Heptachlor
2007 February: Child Care Centre on Pesticides Site
1970’s – 2010’s: Wedgefield (WA). Hazardous Waste Incinerator
1904 – 1994: Midland Railway Workshops (WA). Contaminated Site
2008 September: Munglinup (WA). Pesticide detected: Atrazine
2008 June: Borden (WA). Pesticide detected. Atrazine.
2006 August: Denham (WA) – Pesticides detected: Bifenthrin.
2005 February – 2009 February: Fitzroy Crossing (WA): Pesticide detected: Dieldrin.
2005 – 2010: Yerecoin (WA). Pesticide detected: Dieldrin.
2007 June: Joondalup (WA) Groundwater Polluted. Pesticide Detected: Hexazinone.
2000 December: Plantation Giant Rejects Risk Claims. Pesticide: Dimethoate.
1969-71: Rogue batch of 2,4,5-T Dwellingup WA
1969-71: Rogue batch of 2,4,5-T used near Derby (WA)
1970: Milk Contamination, Witchcliffe WA). Pesticide: Dieldrin
1966 June-July: Wanneroo (WA) Milk Contamination: Pesticide: Dieldrin.
1988-1995: Perth Groundwater Pollution.
1991: Ord River Groundwater. Pesticide Detected: Atrazine
1991: Esperance. Atrazine detected in Groundwater.
1984: Spray Drift Merridan Western Australia
1995-96: Perth Metropolitan Area
1997 November: Pesticide spill Perth Belmont Race Course
1992: Dianella (Perth) Groundwater contaminated with Atrazine and Fenamiphos
2009 May: High Risk Pesticides Ord Irrigation Region
2009 November: Bunbury Dolphin Deaths
2009 November: Pesticides Suspected in Dolphin Deaths. Pesticide: Dieldrin.
2010 October: Esperance Council may reverse summer 2,4-D decision
2014 May: Pesticide Limits Breached by WA Fruit Growers
2013: Mount Barker Spray Drift Case Settled out of court
2012 April: Market Gardener (WA) fined $15,000 for pesticide pollution. Chemical: Metham Sodium.