Chemical: Tebuconazole
2020/24: Taylors Creek, Gunbower (Victoria)
2022: Bridgewater (Victoria)
2020/24: Loddon River at Laanecoorie
2020/23: Gunbower Creek, Leitchville
2021/2023: Lockington (Victoria)
2022: Goulburn River at Echuca
October/November 2022: Campaspe River, Echuca
14/12/23: Cocktail of pesticides found in Richmond River, including chemical banned in 2006
2017/18: Cardinia Creek. Pesticides: Multiple
2017/18: Lower Gum Scrub Creek (Victoria). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/18: Toomuc Creek (Victoria). Pesticides: Multiple
2017/18: Deep Creek (Westernport). Pesticides Multiple
November 2022: Loddon River, Kerang. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine
17/9/21: Progressive Mango Growers Multan. Breaching Australian MRL: Tebuconazole
11/5/20: Wonderful Citrus (United States). Breaching Australian MRL. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2017/21: Zhanhua Kingman Food (China). Breaching Australian MRL’s for Red Dates/Jujube. Pesticides: Multiple
11/4/19: Yicheng Dashanhe Modern Agriculture (China). Breached Australian MRL for Red Dates. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
8/2/19: Xin Zheng City Xin Xing Jujube Co Ltd (China). Breaches to Australian MRL for Red Dates. Pesticides: Cypermethrin, Difenconazole, Tebuconazole
5/7/17: Virat Global Exim Exp Corp (India). Breached Australian MRL for Apple. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2018/20: Vadilal Industries Limited (India). Breaches to Australian MRLs for Fenugreek leaves, Spinach Leaves, Hyacinth Bean, Chilli, Gourd, Hyacinth Leaves. Pesticides: Multiple
2017: Shantou Lifa Trading Co Ltd (China). Breached Australian MRL for Dried Dates, Seedless Red Dates
31/10/17: Shandong Jinsi Food Co Ltd (China). Breached Australian MRL’s on Seedless Red Dates. Pesticides: Carbendazim, Difenconazole, Tebuconazole
7/9/18: Liang Pin Pu Zi Industry Food Co Ltd (China), Breaches to Australian MRL’s on Instant Dates. Pesticides Multiple
25/7/19: Jiangmen Junying Food Co., Ltd (China). Breaching Australian MRL for Longan. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2019/21: Iprona Ag-Spa (Italy) Breached Australian MRL’s. Pesticides: Fludioxonil, Tebuconazole, Carbendazim
2018/21: Innovative Cuisine (India). Multiple Australian pesticide MRL breaches on Guar Beans, Fenugreek Leaves, Green Chillies, Indian Flat Beans, Spinach, Gourd, Surti Beans
25/7/17: Haoxiangni Dates Enterprise Co. Ltd (China). Breached Australian MRL for Dates. Pesticide: Bifenthrin, Propargite, Tebuconazole
27/9/19: Guang Dong Jiexi Maolin Food Co Ltd (China). Breaches to Australian MRL’s for Dried Hawthorn Fruit. Pesticide: Carbendazim, Tebuconazole
3/5/17: Gaoming Hui Sheng Feng Foods (China). Breach of Australian MRL for Dried Red Dates. Pesticides: Tebuconazole
2018/19: Cangzhou Ruifeng Date Product Co Ltd (China) Red Dates above Australian Pesticide MRL. Pesticides: Multiple
11/12/18: Bethany Food Korea. Export of Jujube – Multiple pesticides breaching Australian MRL
2019/20: Arctic Agro Foods Pvt Ltd (India) Exporting Chill’s breaching MRL’s into Australia. Pesticides: Monocrotophos, Tebuconazole, Difenconazole, Cyhalothrin
2016/24: Glenelg Waste Water Treatment Plant (South Australia). Pesticides: Multiple
2012/23: Miles Water Treatment Plant (Queensland)
2015/23: Warra Water Treatment Plant (Queensland).
2013/23: Jandowae Water Treatment Plant (Queensland)
2013 December: Gisborne Stormwater Drain. Pesticides: Multiple
2011: Insecticides and Fungicides Johnstone River. Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos, Protiophos, Tebuconazole
2011/23: Burdekin River at Home Hill Inkerman Bridge (Qld). Pesticides: Multiple
2012 March: Middle Creek Strzelecki Ranges. Site UVH. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2013/23: Sugarloaf Reservoir Avoca Vic. Pesticides: 2,4,6-T, Dicamba, Atrazine, Benomyl, Simazine, 2,4-D, Metolachlor, Clopyralid
2010 April: Woodland Park Essendon. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine, Imidacloprid, Tebuconazole, Propiconazole, p,p’DDE
2009 September – 2010 January: Wetland Mernda. Pesticides: Atrazine, Simazine, Propiconazole, Tebuconazole, Prometryn, Imidacloprid
2008? Hoddles Creek (Vic). Yarra Catchment. Pesticide: Tebuconazole
2008?: Cockatoo Creek (Vic) Yarra Catchment. Pesticides: Multiple.
2012 – 2023: Tullaroop Reservoir – Maryborough Water Supply. Pesticides detected: Atrazine, Simazine, 2,4-D, Metalochlor, Benomyl, Fluometuron, Diuron
2001 November + 2014/23: Dalby Water Treatment Plant (Queensland).