Jan 2010: KINGAROY district producers are up in arms over an alleged spray drift incident from an aerial applicator. It’s an issue that continues to surface at this time of the year in the aftermath of rains which trigger instant weed growth, requiring treatment by chemicals like 2,4D. However, spray drift from commercial operators, be it from ground rigs or aerial applications, can spread across many kilometres if carried out in unsuitable conditions.

2010 January: Spray Drift Clouds Kingaroy

Jan 2010: KINGAROY district producers are up in arms over an alleged spray drift incident from an aerial applicator. It’s an issue that continues to surface at this time of the year in the aftermath of rains which trigger instant weed growth, requiring treatment by chemicals like 2,4D. However, spray drift from commercial operators, be it from ground rigs or aerial applications, can spread across many kilometres if carried out in unsuitable conditions.
