2019: Double Crossing Creek – Coffs Harbour (NSW)

2019 Summer Autumn Site 4

Dimethoate 0.02ug/L, Methomyl 0.02ug/L

Investigating pesticide and heavy metal distribution from water and sediments near expanding horticultural activities in the Coffs Harbour NSW Region.

Melanie Taylor, Dylan Laicher-Edwards, Shane A. White, Rebecca Woodrow, Tiago Passos, Christian J. Sanders 2022. Final Report Coffs Harbour City Council Environmental Levy Program. Southern Cross University National Marine Science Centre

2019: Double Crossing Creek Site 4, Coffs Harbour (NSW). Pesticides: Dimethoate, Methomyl

2019: Double Crossing Creek – Coffs Harbour (NSW)

2019 Summer Autumn Site 4

Dimethoate 0.02ug/L, Methomyl 0.02ug/L

Investigating pesticide and heavy metal distribution from water and sediments near expanding horticultural activities in the Coffs Harbour NSW Region.

Melanie Taylor, Dylan Laicher-Edwards, Shane A. White, Rebecca Woodrow, Tiago Passos, Christian J. Sanders 2022. Final Report Coffs Harbour City Council Environmental Levy Program. Southern Cross University National Marine Science Centre