Spray damage to foreshore plantation devastates project volunteers at Lake Bolac – 2014 December

RARE and precious native plants have been killed by the illegal application of chemical spray at the Peter O’Rorke Native Grass and Wildflower Reserve on the foreshore at Lake Bolac.

A three metre wide strip at the bottom of the community run plantation has been sprayed from a vehicle travelling along the road. Police and Ararat Rural City Environment Officer, Deidre Andrews, have been informed. A clear breach of the law has occurred as it is an offence to cause wilful damage using chemical spray.

Project co-ordinator, Nolene Fraser, is extremely disappointed that the hard work carried out by volunteers to establish the plantation over the past three years, has been set back by such thoughtless action, while David Franklin, of Grassland Flora, Chatsworth, said it was a blatant example of destruction at a community site of what goes on in a broader context of damage to remnant native grasslands.

Una Allender, secretary of the Eel Festival, is shocked that this damage has occurred especially after the recent efforts of community members to weed and mulch the plantation and to prepare a section of it for a controlled burn.

The controlled burn will encourage the native species and help reduce the weed burden.

“It is hard to believe that anyone could spray this area accidentally, especially with a very prominent sign explaining what is planted on the site and why,” Ms Allender said…


2014 December: Spray damage revegetation Lake Bolac (Vic)

Spray damage to foreshore plantation devastates project volunteers at Lake Bolac – 2014 December

RARE and precious native plants have been killed by the illegal application of chemical spray at the Peter O’Rorke Native Grass and Wildflower Reserve on the foreshore at Lake Bolac.

A three metre wide strip at the bottom of the community run plantation has been sprayed from a vehicle travelling along the road. Police and Ararat Rural City Environment Officer, Deidre Andrews, have been informed. A clear breach of the law has occurred as it is an offence to cause wilful damage using chemical spray.

Project co-ordinator, Nolene Fraser, is extremely disappointed that the hard work carried out by volunteers to establish the plantation over the past three years, has been set back by such thoughtless action, while David Franklin, of Grassland Flora, Chatsworth, said it was a blatant example of destruction at a community site of what goes on in a broader context of damage to remnant native grasslands.

Una Allender, secretary of the Eel Festival, is shocked that this damage has occurred especially after the recent efforts of community members to weed and mulch the plantation and to prepare a section of it for a controlled burn.

The controlled burn will encourage the native species and help reduce the weed burden.

“It is hard to believe that anyone could spray this area accidentally, especially with a very prominent sign explaining what is planted on the site and why,” Ms Allender said…
