Happy Valley Reservoir Loc 1

12/11/12: MCPA 0.06ug/L

10/12/12: MCPA 0.06ug/L

4/2/13: MCPA 0.05ug/L

The Happy Valley Reservoir is a water reservoir located in Adelaide. Constructed when the total population of Adelaide numbered 315,200 (1893 census), the Happy Valley Reservoir now supplies over a half a million people, from Adelaide’s southern extent to the city centre.

2012 November – 2013 February: Happy Valley Reservoir. Pesticides detected: MCPA

Happy Valley Reservoir Loc 1

12/11/12: MCPA 0.06ug/L

10/12/12: MCPA 0.06ug/L

4/2/13: MCPA 0.05ug/L

The Happy Valley Reservoir is a water reservoir located in Adelaide. Constructed when the total population of Adelaide numbered 315,200 (1893 census), the Happy Valley Reservoir now supplies over a half a million people, from Adelaide’s southern extent to the city centre.