1968: Pinkenba (Qld) Spray drift from industrial plants

The Minister dealt with crop damage caused by spray drift.
I raised another matter with the Minister relating to damage caused to crops by hormone spray escaping from factories where the chemicals are manufactured.
Crops at Pinkenba and in the lower Nudgee area have been damaged by hormones from the chemical plants in the Hamilton area, but appraently farmers are not insured against the effects of hormones.
The trouble has been traced to the manufacturing plants at Pinkenba, and one plant has been found to be mainly responsible.
I asked the Minister to look into this matter and his inspectors investigated it from the point of view of drift from spraying operations,but that did not cause the trouble.
It is caused by the drift of hormones from the manufacturing plants.
p1165 Queensland Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Assembly Friday 1 November 1968
The Minister dealt with crop damage caused by spray drift.
I raised another matter with the Minister relating to damage caused to crops by hormone spray escaping from factories where the chemicals are manufactured.
Crops at Pinkenba and in the lower Nudgee area have been damaged by hormones from the chemical plants in the Hamilton area, but appraently farmers are not insured against the effects of hormones.
The trouble has been traced to the manufacturing plants at Pinkenba, and one plant has been found to be mainly responsible.
I asked the Minister to look into this matter and his inspectors investigated it from the point of view of drift from spraying operations,but that did not cause the trouble.
It is caused by the drift of hormones from the manufacturing plants.
p1165 Queensland Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Assembly Friday 1 November 1968