“…Keating et al. (1996) reported traces of atrazine and hexazinone in the Callide Valley, and chlorfenvinphos and 2,4-D in 3 of 52 samples from the Bundaberg region…

Source: p134/5 Pesticide Use in Australia. A Review Undertaken by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.


1996: Callide Valley Queensland Groundwater. Pesticides detected: Atrazine and Hexazinone.

“…Keating et al. (1996) reported traces of atrazine and hexazinone in the Callide Valley, and chlorfenvinphos and 2,4-D in 3 of 52 samples from the Bundaberg region…

Source: p134/5 Pesticide Use in Australia. A Review Undertaken by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.