1981 November: Tarra River Pollution. Pesticide Detected: 2,4,5-T.

State Pollution Control Commission November 1981

Environmental Impacts of the Chlorophenoxy Herbicides 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D

State Pollution Control Commission recently did a study into all states regarding monitoring of chlorophenoxy herbicides and TCDD in Australia…

P60 “Keith Turnbull Research Institute of the Victorian Department of Crown Lands and Survey has investigated 2,4,5-T levels in the Tarra River following the spraying of dense stands of blackberries along one of its banks. (Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Board, Dept Crown Lands and Survey pers comm). The blackberries were sprayed over a distance of 100m to a depth of 10-15m in from the bank, using approximately 600L of aqueous spray containing 370g of 2,4,5-T butyl ester and amitrole, equivalent to roughly 3.5 to 5 k/ha… 1/6th of spray went directly into river… 30m downstream 2,4,5-T peaked at 0.2mg/L after 1 hour (0.003mg/L after 4 hours). (1km downstream 0.05mg/L. 0.01mg/L after 3 hours…).
