McKillops Roadbridge, Stringybark Creek

TDE detected; 15/10/80 0.03ug/L

DDE detected; 18/6/80 0.01ug/L, 2/7/80 0.01ug/L, 17/7/80 0.002ug/L, 17/9/80 0.01ug/L, 15/10/80 0.02ug/L

DDT detected; 18/6/80 0.02ug/L, 2/7/80 0.04ug/L, 17/7/80 0.007ug/L, 15/10/80 0.08ug/L

Dieldrin detected; 2/7/80 0.02ug/L, 17/7/80 0.01ug/L, 26/11/80 0.02ug/L, 23/12/80 0.02ug/L

Sediment analysis.

DDE detected; 30/7/80 0.05ug/L, 23/12/80 0.03ug/L, 15/5/81 0.03ug/L

TDE detected; 30/7/80 0.07ug/L, 23/12/80 0.03ug/L, 15/5/81 0.02ug/L

DDT detected; 30/7/80 0.08ug/L, 23/12/80 0.06ug/L, 15/5/81 0.04ug/L

Dieldrin detected; 23/12/80 0.01ug/L, 15/5/81 0.04ug/L

Pilot Survey of pesticide levels in water and sediments of streams in agricultural catchments
Publication No:142 March 1982 Water Quality Branch Environment Protection Authority, 240 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne 3002

1980 June – 1981 May: Stringybark Creek. Pesticides detected: TDE, DDE, DDT, Dieldrin

McKillops Roadbridge, Stringybark Creek

TDE detected; 15/10/80 0.03ug/L

DDE detected; 18/6/80 0.01ug/L, 2/7/80 0.01ug/L, 17/7/80 0.002ug/L, 17/9/80 0.01ug/L, 15/10/80 0.02ug/L

DDT detected; 18/6/80 0.02ug/L, 2/7/80 0.04ug/L, 17/7/80 0.007ug/L, 15/10/80 0.08ug/L

Dieldrin detected; 2/7/80 0.02ug/L, 17/7/80 0.01ug/L, 26/11/80 0.02ug/L, 23/12/80 0.02ug/L

Sediment analysis.

DDE detected; 30/7/80 0.05ug/L, 23/12/80 0.03ug/L, 15/5/81 0.03ug/L

TDE detected; 30/7/80 0.07ug/L, 23/12/80 0.03ug/L, 15/5/81 0.02ug/L

DDT detected; 30/7/80 0.08ug/L, 23/12/80 0.06ug/L, 15/5/81 0.04ug/L

Dieldrin detected; 23/12/80 0.01ug/L, 15/5/81 0.04ug/L

Pilot Survey of pesticide levels in water and sediments of streams in agricultural catchments
Publication No:142 March 1982 Water Quality Branch Environment Protection Authority, 240 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne 3002