Organochlorine Pesticide Residue Levels in Human Milk – Victoria, Australia – 1970.
K.G. Newton and N.C. Greene
Vol 6, No 1, June 1972 Pesticide Monitoring Journal
Samples of human milk were collected in 1970 from 39 rural and 28 urban donors in Victoria, Australia, and were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides using electron capture gas chromatography. All samples contained DDT, DDE and HCB. Twenty-nine contained dieldrin (mean 0.006 ppm), 12 contained DDD (mean 0.007 ppm) and 3 contained both dieldrin and DDD.
Total DDT averaged 0.139 ppm for rural 0.145ppm for urban donors, and HCB averaged 0.042 ppm and 0.063 ppm, respectively.
… The rural donors lived on or near fruit orchards in Shepparton, the center for a district which produces under irrigation large quantities of tree fruits for the local and export markets…A second survey consisting of 26 rural and 18 urban donors was undertaken in December 1970…
All samples contained HCB. It is possible that HCB entered the food chain of Victorians from the improper channeling of HCB-treated seed wheat into the local poultry and stock food industries following a series of severe reductions in wheat acreage during the period of worldwide wheat over-production in the past decade…