May 2013: EPA Publishes The Origin Fate and Dispersion of Toxicants in the Lower Sections of the Yarra River. The DDT levels remain high, even on a global level. According to the Report,  “This comparison indicates that concentrations of DDT in sediments in the Yarra River may be very high on global scales, with the maximum concentration from the port area significantly higher than most comparable estuaries and bays globally.”

2013 May: Yarra River Lower Section Pesticides. Pesticide: DDT

May 2013: EPA Publishes The Origin Fate and Dispersion of Toxicants in the Lower Sections of the Yarra River. The DDT levels remain high, even on a global level.

According to the Report,

“This comparison indicates that concentrations of DDT in sediments in the Yarra River may be very high on global scales, with the maximum concentration from the port area significantly higher than most comparable estuaries and bays globally.”