Era: 1950’s
31/8/24: Paraquat. Scientists work to unravel silent pandemic affecting farmers
2016 September: Study Confirms Widespread Pesticide Pollution of Australian Waterways
1950’s – 1990’s: Contamination of cattle dip sites in NSW & Qld. Pesticides: DDT, Ethion
1958: Burdekin Region (Qld) Spray Drift
1967 August: Black Rock (Vic). Anecdotes from a Bird Observer. Pesticide: Dieldin
1953 January: Irrigation Weed Poisoning. Pesticide
1950’s – 1982: Herdsman Lake (WA). Pesticides: Dieldrin, DDT, Chlorpyrifos, Heptachlor, Chlordane
1950’s: Sydney (St George Hospital): Pesticide detected: Sodium Arsenite
1956: Gulf of St Vincent. Mass Crayfish deaths
1950’s – 1960’s. Willowtree Road, Ferntree Gully.
1950 – 1967: Sandringham. Pesticide of concern: Heptachlor, Dieldrin
1950’s – 2000’s: McBryde Street. Pesticide of concern: 2,4-D
1904 – 1994: Midland Railway Workshops (WA). Contaminated Site
1949 – 1986: Union Carbide owned Rhodes (Homebush Bay). Pesticides included: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D
1960 – 2015: Gunnamatta Outfall Melbourne Water
1994 Feb: Port Phillip Bay Flathead contaminated with pesticides
2005 January: Pesticides Linked to Breast Cancer in Victoria
2006: Worst Groundwater Pollution in Southern Hemisphere