2002: Dwellingup State Forest. Removal of 25 pesticide drums. Pesticide: 2,4,5-T

Two projects in Western Australia and one in Victoria managed by GHD provide an illustration of this.
The firm is assisting with a large-scale cleanup of 2,4,5-T, a herbicide buried on State Forest land in Dwellingup, Western Australia, in the 1970s.
The Department of Conservation and Land Management has decided to remediate the site as a public and environmental safety measure. GHD was engaged to conduct geophysical
surveys and manage the remediation action plan.
Twenty-five drums were excavated and 1,500 litres of chemicals, including 2,4,5-T and dioxins, recovered.(The chemical 2,4,5-T was used by the department to spray weed species
competing with pine trees in plantations.)
Contaminated soils and drums have been removed and disposed of at certified facilities.