Bothwell Michael Street, sample tap
6/7/15: Bothwell (Michael Street) MCPA 0.02ug/L
20/7/15: Bothwell (Michael Street) MCPA 0.03ug/L
23/5/16: Bothwell (Michael Street) MCPA 0.02ug/L
6/6/16: Bothwell (Michael Street) MCPA 0.13ug/L
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report – Appendix C Supporting Data Part A (Systems A-L)
Tas Water Annual Drinking Water Quality Report 2013-14
25/7/13: MCPA 0.1ug/L
12/9/13: MCPA 0.2ug/L, Triclopyr 0.37ug/L
29/9/13: 2,4-D 0.05ug/L
Tas Water Right to Information Request August 2015
24/7/13: 2,4-D 0.12ug/L
24/7/13: 2,4-D 0.09ug/L
30/7/13: 2,4-D 0.06ug/L
30/7/13: 2,4-D 0.09ug/L
Taswater 2014/15 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Pesticide Detections (Boste 98)
25/7/14: 2,4-D 3.02ug/L, MCPA 0.1ug/L
30/7/14: 2,4-D 1.29ug/L
4/8/14: 2,4-D 0.69ug/L
11/8/14: 2,4-D 0.17ug/L
18/12/14: 2,4-D 11.2ug/L
2/2/15: 2,4-D 0.07ug/L
13/2/15: Metalaxyl 0.11ug/L
24/2/15: MCPA 0.03ug/L
2/3/15: MCPA 0.15ug/L, Glyphosate 0.2ug/L
11/5/15: 2,4-D 0.19ug/L, MCPA 0.19ug/L
19/5/15: MCPA 0.34ug/L
25/5/15: 2,4-D 0.22ug/L, MCPA 0.46ug/L
28/5/15: 2,4-D 0.44ug/L, Glyphosate 0.5ug/L
29/5/15: 2,4-D 0.13ug/L, MCPA 0.3ug/L
9/6/15: MCPA 0.04ug/L
22/6/15: MCPA 0.1ug/L
Metalaxyl (0.11ug/L) was detected during routine testing. Metalaxyl is a phenylamide fungicide which is commonly used in the protection of poppies.
Pesticide detections in the Clyde River have progressively become more frequent over the past five years. Trace levels of several weed control and fungicidal compounds were again detected in the source water and distribution system throughout 2014-15…Trace levels of the herbicides 2,4-D and MCPA were detected in the reticulation system (BOSTE98) on several occasions. All detections were well below ADWG health limits but are of notable concern….Powdered Activated Carbon dosing is in place as an advanced treatment barrier to mitigate the risk…
3/10/16: Bothwell (Tasmania) MCPA 0.03ug/L
TasWater Raw Pesticide Data by system v4