Korumburra Golf Club
February 25, 1974
…As requested in your letter dated 18/2/1974, we have investigated the matter further and list below the relevant information regarding sprays that have been used on the Golf Course.
General Weedkillers – Brand Names: New Farm, Killester, Weedone.
These are a 2-4D variety and are mixed to a strength of 2 1/2 – 3 pints per 65 gallons, with some 10 gallons collectively being the maximum usage during the year…
Blackberry Spray:
Brand Name: Killaberry. Mixture is 1 oz. to 5 gallons water, with total usage per annum only some 1/2 pint… [Note: Killaberry active was 2,4,5-T]
Latrobe Valley Water & Sewerage Board
22 April 1974
…regarding the use of fungicides and weedicides by the Golf Club which is in close proximity to your No.1 Reservoir.
Our comments regarding the two preparations to be used are as follows:-
1. Fungicide: 75% Thiram (TMTD). This compound has a low persistence level but is on record as depressing egg production in poultry. 3% mercuric Acetate. This compound has a very high persistence level and would be extremely toxic to fish and aquatic life.
2. Weedicide: Estan 80 (2,4-D)….
Korumburra Golf Club 13th May 1974
Re: Weed Sprays
…I have been directed to advise the Club not to use sprays Thimer Fungicide and Eston 80 on the Golf Club Area…
Korumburra Waterworks Trust 14th July 1975
Re: Fungicides being used on Korumburra Golf Club
“Du Pont Benlate Benomyle Fungicide active constituent Benomyl…
Water Pollution Control
Tuesday 26th September 1978
10:30am Telephone call from ***. A tractor and boomspray operating in Golf Course.
11:00am Interviewed Mr *** at the Course. Approximately 100 metres from water.
Mr *** admitted that the spray in use was Eston 80.
A sample was taken from tanker.
Chemical has distinctive small…. also agreed it was Eston 80
Rang *** from Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board.
Advised to send sample.
Minutes Pesticide Review Meeting #141Committee Victorian Government 6/10/78: “(d) Letter from Korumburra Waterworks Trust. The letter from the Trust and a copy of the Latrobe Water Sewerage Board about the proposed use of Weedicide Estan 80 (2,4-D) on the Korumburra Golf Course in close proximity to the towns No.1 reservoir was tabled. Dr Parsons felt that an amine formulation would be preferable to estan and that care should be taken as to weather conditions existing at the time of spraying eg windless and rainless. Dr Christophers said that as the town’s water supply could be involved the matter should be referred to the Health Department with certain recommendations from this committee for examination and advice.”
Minutes Pesticide Review Committee Victorian Government 19/7/1979: “…Request from Korumburra Golf Club to use the Turf Fungicide ‘Rovral’ (Iprodione). The Korumburra Golf Course is in the direct catchment of the towns water storage reservoir and runoff reaches the reservoir very quickly due to the drainage of the greens and fairways”.
March 1981 Letter from Korumburra Waterworks Trust
“… It has been brought to the attention of the Trust that a new selective herbicide called ‘Embutox 40’is now on the market which may control the “White Daisy” problem on the Golf Course.
As you are aware the golf course is in the direct catchment of Korumburra’s No.1 Reservoir. The land which would be sprayed is less than 30 metres from the waters edge. Run-off from the golf course goes directly into the town’s water supply…
Letter from Korumburra Waterworks Trust to PRV August 18 1981: “Korumburra Golf Course catchment No.1 Reservoir is owned by the Trust and leased to the golf club. Water run-off from the golf course goes directly into the town’s water supply reserve. Selective herbicide required to control English Daisy. Suggested that MCPA and Dicamba be used. “The reservoir has already given some trouble and has been the subject of a report by the Materials Science Division of the SRWSC on various algae and biological problems which have affected water, taste and colour…”
November 1981
Letter from Agriculture Victoria
“… As the trust has doubts on the use of the registered herbicide mixture of M.C.P.A and Dicamba the only other alternative is to use M.C.P.A. alone which is registered for use on flat weeds, but more than one application might be needed for control.
The recommendations for improving fairways are at a time when there is usually no water run off. I cannot give a written assurance that the applications recommended will not have a detrimental effect on the quality of the water supply in the reservoir nor is it my function…”