2014/5 – 2013 August: Warragamba Water Filtration Plant. Pesticide: Triclopyr, Picloram

Picloram detected at 0.11ug/L at site PWFP10 Warragamba System 2014/15
The herbicide triclopyr was detected in a raw water sample collected on 18 July 2012 from the inlet to Nepean WFP, from the inlet to Orchard Hills WFP on 25 September2012 and from the inlet to Warragamba WFP on 27 October 2012. All detections were at a level well below the ADWG 2011 health guideline value. None of the otherpesticides / herbicides listed in Table 32 were detected during the 12-month periodfrom 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013.
p48: Sydney Water Drinking Water Quality Report 1 Jan 2013 – 31 March 2013
The herbicide triclopyr was detected ..  on 16 May 2013 from the inlet to Nepean
WFP, and 19 August 2013 from the inlet to Warragamba WFP. All detections were at
a level well below the ADWG 2011 health guideline value. None of the other
pesticides / herbicides listed in Table 32 were detected during the 12-month period
from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013.
p48: Sydney Water Drinking Water Quality Report 1 July 2013 – 30 September 2013

Warrangamba Water Filtration Plant

2012/13: Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (b)

(b) https://www.sca.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/44590/Annual-Water-Quality-Monitoring-Report-2012-13-Appendices.pdf