2017/18: Prarie Raw

2017/18: Prairie (Queensland) Total Heptachlor <0.04ug/L (max), 0.371ug/L (mean), <0.02ug/L

“For the organochlorine pesticides, they have been banned for a number of decades and we do not often see any such residues in the environment. If any such residues were detected we would confirm their presence and quantification via an alternative detection method. Whilst we are reporting a value of < 0.4 ug/L for Total Aldrin & Dieldrin and for Total Heptachlor, the individual components are reported at a lower level, and we can detect their presence well below the guideline values. If any residues were detected we can confirm down to 0.06 ug/L for each of these total values.”

2017/18 Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Flinders Shire Council

2018/19: Prairie Raw

2,4-DP (Dichlorprop) 0.05ug/L (max), 0.05ugL(av.), 0.05ug/L(min)

Asulam: 0.075ug/L (max), <0.1ug/L (av.), 0.05ug/L (min)

Source: Flinders Shire Council 2018/19 Drinking Water Quality Management Plan

2017/19: Prairie (Qld). Pesticide: Heptachlor, 2,4-DP (Dichlorprop), Asulam

2017/18: Prarie Raw

2017/18: Prairie (Queensland) Total Heptachlor <0.04ug/L (max), 0.371ug/L (mean), <0.02ug/L

“For the organochlorine pesticides, they have been banned for a number of decades and we do not often see any such residues in the environment. If any such residues were detected we would confirm their presence and quantification via an alternative detection method. Whilst we are reporting a value of < 0.4 ug/L for Total Aldrin & Dieldrin and for Total Heptachlor, the individual components are reported at a lower level, and we can detect their presence well below the guideline values. If any residues were detected we can confirm down to 0.06 ug/L for each of these total values.”

2017/18 Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Flinders Shire Council

2018/19: Prairie Raw

2,4-DP (Dichlorprop) 0.05ug/L (max), 0.05ugL(av.), 0.05ug/L(min)

Asulam: 0.075ug/L (max), <0.1ug/L (av.), 0.05ug/L (min)

Source: Flinders Shire Council 2018/19 Drinking Water Quality Management Plan