March 2016 – Biosolids/ Sludge Data Summary (Melbourne Water)
The following data was collected from Melbourne Water’s Eastern and Western Treatments Plants over many years. Various compounds and parameters were tested over this time but those of most interest to the EPA and the public are shown here. This data should be used to give an indication of the average concentrations of pollutants in biosolids and sludge and how these may change as the material changes from fresh to old. Old biosolids are classified as being older than 3 years at the time of testing. All tests were conducted on dried biosolids by NATA accredited laboratories.
Eastern Treatment Plant Biosolids (Maximum Detections)
Aldrin: 0.24mg/kg
Chlordane (cis): 0.031mg/kg
Chlordane (trans): 0.1mg/kg
DDD: 0.089mg/kg
DDE: 0.066mg/kg
DDT: 0.76mg/kg
Dieldrin: 0.12mg/kg
Hexachlorobenzene: 0.049mg/kg
PCB’s: 0.18mg/kg