Melbourne Water and DPI Agrochemicals in Port Phillip Catchment Project Report 2009-10
Table 5: Urban Wetland Survey
Site 322: u/S Regent St Mt Waverley
21/04/2010. Dieldrin 0.003ug/L, Simazine 0.093ug/L, Desisopropylatrazine 0.01ug/L, Imidicloprid 0.007ug/L.
Sediment: p,p’DDE 8.6ug/kg, p,p’DDD 3ug/kg
Potentially toxic concentrations of synthetic pyrethroids associated with low density residential land use
Supplementary Material
Stephen Marshall*, David Sharley, Katherine Jeppe, Simon Sharp, Gavin Rose, Vincent Pettigrove
Regent St Wetlands u/s Regent St; Mt Waverley
Feb/April 2015: Bifenthrin 41ug/kg, DEET 10ug/kg, Diuron 51ug/kg, Trifloxystrobin 48ug/kg
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