Control Measures
Attempts at eradication of mimosa commenced in August 1965 prior to it being declared a noxious weed. Chemicals used have been 40% 2,4,5-T either in water (1:300) or diesel (1:45), or Tordon 255 mixed with diesel at a ratio of 1:45 with 2 applications per year, one prior to the wet season and another at the end of the wet season. Isolated plants have been removed manually.
The early eradication work concentrated on that part of the infestation which extended from just above the Adelaide River township down to Tortilla Flats, a distance of approximately 35 km by river. To get over this area twice per year was a full time job from April to December for a Technical Assistant and one or two labourers. The team managed to stop plants seeding within the control area but plants continually reappeared from previously deposited seed and the infestation spread downstream from seeding plants below the control area. The full time eradication attempt continued for 6 years and ceased in 1971 as the team was fighting a losing battle.
Source: Mimosa Pigra in the Northern Territory by I.L Miller Senior Agronomist (Weeds), Darwin; L. Nemestothy, Formerly Agronomist (Weeds) , Darwin; and S.E Pickering, Technical Officer (Weeds), Darwin. Technical Bulltin No. 51 October 1981